gambas2 and firebird howto

Here is the tutorial in Spanish

Este pequeño tutorial lo he hecho para compartir mis experiencias y los caminos q he tenido que recorrer para llegar a acceder a mi base de datos favorita “FIREBIRD”, sin embargo este tutorial puede ser usado para acceder a CUALQUIER BASE DE DATOS siempre cuando tengas su driver odbc; asi si que sin mas preambulos comensamos con el tutorialFrin

The Compete Guide to ODBC Escape Sequences in Firebird and Interbase (with ibprovider)

ODBC Escape sequences has included in ODBC standard and allows write SQL queries which compatible with many DBMS. Firebird and Interbase does not contains own implementation for escape sequences and therefore we have implemented them in IBProvider and now users can write compatible SQL queries for Firebird and Interbase as for MS SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 and etc.

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