Category: Technical Articles
Technical articles, How-tos, guides, etc.
Firebird Developer’s manual for Visual Studio .Net
IBProvider just released an on-line manual for using its own OLEDB driver to work with Firebird or InterBase databases in Visual Studio .Net.
New Firebird packages fix several vulnerabilities in debian
This Debian security advisory is a bit unusual. While it’s normally
our strict policy to backport security bugfixes to older releases, this
turned out to be infeasible for Firebird 1.5 due to large infrastructural
changes necessary to fix these issues. As a consequence security support
for Firebird 1.5 is hereby discontinued, leaving two options to
administrators running a Firebird database:
Using IB/FB System Tables
This is a nice article written by Felix Colibri, and includes a diagram showing the relationships among all the system tables.
Entity Framework and Firebird (Part 2)
by jirkaWe’re moving, slowly, step-by-step. And new functionality is coming in view. Just two pictures showing a piece of functionality. Yes, it’s a “LINQ to Firebird”, in fact LINQ to Entites connected to Firebird.
installing ibwebadmin 2.0 from cvs
you will need an apache+php+php5interbase setup (in ubuntu or any distro,or windows)
Exceptions, gcc and Solaris 10 AMD 64bit
Blog post by Paul Beach.For a little while now Alex and I have been battling a problem on Solaris 10 64bit AMD. We have been trying to port Firebird 2.0x to 64bit Solaris. However after fixing a few issues, e.g. defining the platform etc, we found that isql_static would core dump on trying to create a database. This is where the fun begins.
Deprecated parameters
Pay attention, specially if you are using old IBO versions: Dmitry Yemanov posted in Firebird-Devel list that the OldParameterOrdering setting (found in Firebird.conf) will be removed from Firebird 2.5, and OldColumnNaming will be removed in FB 3.0. Both of them were introduced as temporary solutions to compatibility problems, to give time to developers solve the issues in their applications.
Firebird JDBC and OOo 2.3
I having been trying to connect (without success) to a Firebird server from OOo 2.3.[ED:but in the end it was solved by using this guide and it was fast too ]
php5-interbase + ibwebadmin 1.0.2 added to the ubuntu gutsy repository
php5-interbase package fixes php-api dependencies (LP: #179803) and (LP: #135695)
and ibwebadmin is an update release for ubuntu gutsy
the repository can be used by adding it in /etc/apt/sources.list
deb gutsy main
deb-src gutsy main
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install ibwebadmin
as bonus firebird2.0-super from repository fixes startup bug when server is restarted