#Slackware #Linux #Slamd64 and #Firebird

Here is what Milan Babuskov wrote about his experience with Linux Slackware and Firebird related packages on x64 system :

I just installed Slamd64 version 12.2. I know that Slackware -current is 64bit and Slackware 13.0 is out, but out-of-the-box 32bit compatibility of Slamd64 is very tempting, so this is the first 64bit slackware I installed.
Install went fine, and KDE is running in a matter of seconds. Now, time to compile all the needed stuff for development. Basically, all I need is Firebird, FlameRobin and PHP extension for Firebird (i.e. InterBase).

Firebird – 1 terabyte database tests and performance report

We have made 1 terabyte database test with Firebird 2.1. Read more. Questions?

In this experiment Firebird shows the following results

Undoubted ability to handle big databases. We are pretty sure that it’s possible to create and use 32 Tb database on appropriate hardware, and Firebird will show the same high performance as it shows for smaller databases (i.e., 1Tb and below).

Good scalability and amazingly small footprint. 1Tb database was created at usual desktop computer and, more important, it can be used to perform general queries: if you don’t fetch millions of records, query’s speed is the same as it is for moderate size databases (10-15Gb).

Cache flushes to disk and Firebird

Paul Beach wrote on his Blog
The following fragment of a message appeared on the Firebird development list. As the question and answer are interesting, I thought I would put it on the blog.

“If I want to make cache flushes to disk very rare, do I set MaxUnflushedWrites & MaxUnflushedWriteTime to -1 or to some large value?
What other settings adjustments can make table flushes to disk more rare?
Is there any combination of settings that will keep the entire db in cache and never flush it to disk?”

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