New Issue of EmberWings Magazine on Firebird Released

EmberWings is a quarterly, free PDF magazine about Firebird.

In addition to technical articles, guides, and tips, it features interviews with noteworthy individuals, updates on Firebird’s development, community news, reviews of interesting products, and a touch of thematic humor. All of this presented in a streamlined format with an aesthetically pleasing print-friendly layout.

You can access all three issues directly on the IBPhoenix website.

PHP 8.4 Improvements when working with modern Firebird versions


PHP 8.4 beta 5 has been released, marking a significant milestone for PHP developers, particularly those working with Firebird databases. This update brings crucial enhancements to the built-in PDO-Firebird driver. Now supporting modern data types, including DECFLOAT, the driver offers substantial benefits for PHP applications using Firebird 4 and 5.

This improved Firebird support in standard PHP will streamline development of Firebird-based PHP applications, making the process more straightforward and transparent. For an in-depth look at these enhancements, check out the new article “PHP 8.4 Improvements when working with modern Firebird versions“.

New issue of EmberWings magazine published

EmberWings is a quarterly PDF magazine about Firebird published by IBPhoenix.

Beyond technical articles, instructions and tips, it contains interviews with noteworthy individuals, an overview of Firebird’s development, information from the Firebird community, evaluations of compelling products, and a touch of thematic humor. All of this presented in a streamlined format with an aesthetically pleasing print-friendly layout.

The magazine is available in IBPhoenix store for free on a pay-what-you-want basis, with half of the proceeds going to the Firebird Foundation. The remaining half is used to finance the publication of the magazine.

This issue has 70 pages.

Practical Migration Guide To Firebird 5.0

The “Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.0,” authored by D. Simonov, is a free technical manual that describes the main steps for upgrading to Firebird 5 from legacy versions such as 2.5, 3.0, and 4.0.

It encapsulates a wealth of pragmatic advice, troubleshooting methodologies, and resolution techniques for common migration challenges. Despite its brevity (40 pages), the guide comprehensively addresses critical aspects of the migration process, including installation protocols, configuration optimization, user account migration, and data type transition strategies.

Read “Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.0” or download it in printable PDF format.


Note from the submitter: For those upgrading to Firebird 5, this practical guide can be considered an “add-on” for my (+200 pages) Migration Guide to Firebird 4 eBook, which contains detailed and very important information specially for those moving from FB 3 (or older versions).

Curso: Backups no Firebird (PT-BR)

This is only for Portuguese speakers.

Está cansado de lidar com a constante preocupação de perder informações importantes do seu banco de dados Firebird? Quer ter a certeza de que seus dados estão protegidos e sempre disponíveis, mesmo em situações de emergência? Então você precisa conhecer esse curso especializado em backups de banco de dados Firebird!

Você aprenderá técnicas avançadas e muitas vezes desconhecidas para fazer backups eficientes e confiáveis. Descubra também como fazer backup/restore em um único passo, sem precisar criar arquivos intermediários, economizando tempo, espaço em disco e simplificando o processo.

Saiba também como usar o gbak gerando como resultado final um backup já compactado com o 7zip, otimizando espaço em disco! Você também aprenderá sobre backups incrementais, mais rápidos e que armazenam apenas dos dados que foram adicionados ou alterados desde o último nível de backup, deixando o processo mais eficiente e possibilitando a realização de backups mais frequentes.

Apenas durante o lançamento, até o dia 24/fevereiro, o curso estará sendo vendido de R$ 397 por R$ 250 através do link Todos compradores receberão também gratuitamente meu eBook Guia de Migração para o Firebird 3!

Não perca mais tempo e garanta agora seu acesso a esse curso exclusivo! Proteja seus dados e tenha a certeza de que eles estão sempre seguros. Torne-se um expert em backups de banco de dados Firebird!

A venda e a entrega estão sendo feitas via plataforma Eduzz, e você pode pagar com cartão, pix ou boleto bancário.

Released: Migration Guide to Firebird 4 (English version)

Migration Guide to Firebird 4

The English version of the Migration Guide to Firebird 4 eBook is now available to everyone who wants to save time and have a smoother migration from an older Firebird version to Firebird 4.

The Guide has 206 pages, and cover several topics including features introduced in Firebird 4, like Time zones, Read Committed Read Consistency isolation, Replication, Decfloat, etc. The eBook is now available in PDF format. A printed version will be made available in Amazon in the near future.

Initially available only in Portuguese, it is the result of a successfull crowdfunding campaign in Brazil, with the participation of +300 people.

Migration Guide to FB 4, in English?

I’m happy to announce that the English version of my newest book, Migration Guide to Firebird 4, will be released in the upcoming weeks. The eBook is already being proofread!

As it already happens with the Migration Guide to FB 3, people will be able to buy the eBook here at and the paper version at Amazon.

Stay tuned to FirebirdNews to be informed when the book is out.

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