Jaybird 2.2.1 Released

The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 2.2.1.

This release contains the following fixes:

  • Fixed: UnsatisfiedLinkError in libjaybird22(_x64).so undefined symbol:  _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE on Linux (JDBC-259)
  • Added connection property columnLabelForName for backwards compatible behavior of ResultSetMetaData#getColumnName(int) and compatibility with bug in com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl (JDBC-260).
    Set property to true for backwards compatible behavior (getColumnName() returns the column label); don’t set the property or set it to false for JDBC-compliant behavior (recommended).
  • Fixed: setString(column, null) on “? IS (NOT) NULL” condition does not set parameter to NULL (JDBC-264)
  • The charSet connection property now accepts all aliases of the supported Java character sets (eg instead of only Cp1252 now windows-1252 is also accepted) (JDBC-267)
  • Fixed: values of charSet property are case-sensitive (JDBC-268)
  • Fixed: setting a parameter as NULL with the native protocol does not work when Firebird describes the parameter as not nullable (JDBC-271)

The release is also available on maven:

The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk15, jaybird-jdk16 or jaybird-jdk17

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