Database workbench 2.8.5 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool:

Database Workbench 2.8.5 has been released today!

Download a trial at:
What’s new?:
Full list of features and fixes:

Database Workbench supports:

Jim Starkey joined MySQL AB

Jim Starkey, the original creator of InterBase which became Firebird, just made it publicly known that he now works for MySQL AB.

My company, Netfrastructure, Inc., has been acquired by MySQL, AB. As
part of the agreement, I will be working full time for MySQL. I expect
to lurk on the architecture list from time to time and may contribute
the occasional wolf-o-gram, but I will not be taking an active part in
Firebird development. Although Ann will work for MySQL, part time,
translating from wolf to English, she will continue to be active in the
Firebird project.

Borland planning to sell IDE product lines

Take from the InterBase.General newsgroup:

Today, Wednesday February 8, 2006 at 1am Pacific Time, Borland announced plans to seek a buyer for our IDE product lines that include Delphi,C++Builder, C#Builder, JBuilder (and Peloton), InterBase, JDataStore, nDataStore, Kylix, and our older Borland and Turbo language products and tools.

Read the news release at the Borland website

The full post as written in the Borland newsgroups:

Database Development Forum – For Developers, By Developers

Upscene Productions and Arno Brinkman (Firebird core developer) started Database Development Forum, a place where developers can ask questions about database development. There are forums available for many different database engines and the idea is to start a community of developers that will ask and answer questions, all in a single website. You can register or anonymously ask questions, but registering has benefits – like getting e-mail notifications on answers.

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