Firebird Adapter 1.0RC for Yii 1.1.x is released
Ricardo Obregon announces that the Firebird Adapter 1.0RC for Yii is now released
Ricardo Obregon announces that the Firebird Adapter 1.0RC for Yii is now released
New article about the Firebird SQL internals : The life cycle of a Firebird SQL statement.
Article with the SplendidCRM conversion status and the demo at the end is here (French)
Ohloh page for Firebird wasn’t updated from the previous year after the SourceForge platform migration . You can view it now here.
And you can use the various widgets to your webpages , blogs.
Jaybird is moved to it’s own page and code repository is monitored there
ps: There was an issue with importing the new code locations from SourceForge and now is solved
Ricardo Obregón announced on YiiFramework that Firebird extension can be downloaded from the Extensions page.
This is an updated version of the adapter originally posted by idlesign. It has been enhanced and tested with gii from yii 1.1.9.
Are you using git/svn as version control system and you ever wanted to visualize delveloper’s work, how the Firebird project was developed over time ?
well Gource is there to visualize all this in a beautiful way. It takes the history of your svn/git repository and visualizes the changes over time,
by whom they were done and so forth.
sudo apt-get install gource git
git clone git:// firebird-git
Now run the following and you should see the animation being presented.
gource firebird-git/.git -s 1
or if you want to create the movie using various video formats use the following command line (wordpress replaces the — with other chars)
Enjoy the Movie (Recomended in HD version)
ps: Tip via General Foo
After An interesting read.
Norman Dunbar updated the gbak manual with the following:
A section on the use of stdin and stdout “file names” and how to clone
a database – on the same server – using a pipe and these “file names” to
avoid the use of a temporary intermediate dump file.
A section on carrying out remote backups and restores using the above
as well as an ssh session. This allows a remote database to be cloned to
a local server, a local database to be cloned to a remote server and a
remote database to be cloned to (another) remote server.
Further updates to document the use of the stdin and stdout file names in backups and restores. A section has been added to Gbak Caveats giving more in depth detail about these two special file names.
Here is the New Roadmap for the Year 2013
Firebird SQL 3.0 Alpha 1 soon according to the Roadmap
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote on firebird-devel about the github mirror for svn (it wasn’t updated sice December)
I have manually pushed (*) the changes and I believe it will push
automatically since now.
* Due to the fact that sourceforge accepted some commits on the older
SVN repository, and that commits were already pushed to GIT, I had to
force push now, so the latests commits have changed. Not a good thing,
but no better way to do it. I hope it still works. 🙂
Old svn repo is closed after the SF migration , Use the new one
Please use ‘svn checkout svn://’ to get fresh source code
Or use the git mirror
git clone git://
Firebird Tweet of the Day from :
Mark Rotteveel
Always nice if work pays off: new JDBC escape parser in Jaybird: parse time reduction 70% (no escapes at all) to 30% (6 escapes)