Ohloh pages for Firebird and Jaybird are now updated with new code locations from SourceForge

Ohloh page for Firebird wasn’t updated from the previous year after the SourceForge platform migration . You can view it now here.
And you can use the various widgets to your webpages , blogs.
Jaybird is moved to it’s own page and code repository is monitored there
ps: There was an issue with importing the new code locations from SourceForge and now is solved

Firebird git repository visualization with gource

Are you using git/svn as version control system and you ever wanted to visualize delveloper’s work, how the Firebird project was developed over time ?
well Gource is there to visualize all this in a beautiful way. It takes the history of your svn/git repository and visualizes the changes over time,
by whom they were done and so forth.

sudo apt-get install gource git
git clone git://github.com/asfernandes/firebird.git firebird-git

Now run the following and you should see the animation being presented.
gource firebird-git/.git -s 1

or if you want to create the movie using various video formats use the following command line (wordpress replaces the — with other chars)



Enjoy the Movie (Recomended in HD version)

ps: Tip via General Foo

Firebird SQL’s backup/restore uses magic words for stdin and stdout – Check the gbak manual update

After An interesting read.

Norman Dunbar updated the gbak manual with the following:

A section on the use of stdin and stdout “file names” and how to clone
a database – on the same server – using a pipe and these “file names” to
avoid the use of a temporary intermediate dump file.

A section on carrying out remote backups and restores using the above
as well as an ssh session. This allows a remote database to be cloned to
a local server, a local database to be cloned to a remote server and a
remote database to be cloned to (another) remote server.

Further updates to document the use of the stdin and stdout file names in backups and restores. A section has been added to Gbak Caveats giving more in depth detail about these two special file names.

Firebird github mirror is back

Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote on firebird-devel about the github mirror for svn (it wasn’t updated sice December)

I have manually pushed (*) the changes and I believe it will push
automatically since now.

* Due to the fact that sourceforge accepted some commits on the older
SVN repository, and that commits were already pushed to GIT, I had to
force push now, so the latests commits have changed. Not a good thing,
but no better way to do it. I hope it still works. 🙂

Old svn repo is closed after the SF migration , Use the new one

Please use ‘svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/firebird/code/firebird/trunk’ to get fresh source code

Or use the git mirror

git clone git://github.com/asfernandes/firebird.git



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