New maintainer for the SOCI Firebird SQL project (The C++ Database Access Library)

Here is the tweet with announcement:
Just added Viacheslav Naydenov to SOCI team as new maintainer of FirebirdSQL backend  to be (re)released with SOCI 3.2.0 and 4.0.0

Originally, SOCI was developed by Maciej Sobczak at CERN as abstraction layer for Oracle, a Simple Oracle Call Interface. Later, several database backends have been developed for SOCI, thus the long name has lost its practicality. Currently, if you like, SOCI may stand for Simple Open (Database) Call Interface or something similar.

GitHub hosts SOCI source code repository, issues tracker and wiki:

Project website at Release downloads and mailing lists at

Travis CI service at

Build Status


I’ved created an RSS aggregation site for Object Pascal related blogs

Mosh Choen wrote on Google Plus Lazarus Community page : I have created an RSS aggregation site for Object Pascal related blogs:

This is a test run, and the look and feel will be changed in the feature.
If you have a blog or can provide RSS for FPC/Lazarus news please send me a message with the feed details and I’ll add you. is agregated to the planet

New Firebird / IB Expert Version 2013.02.18 available

New Firebird/IB Expert Version 2013.02.18 available

New features include:

  1. Database Statistics: you can now get statistics for specified tables only.
  2. Code Editors: format selected text using the Editor’s context menu.
  3. Database Login Form/Database Backup/Restore: new Prevent database/transaction triggers from firing option.
  4. IBEBlockNoDBTriggers option implemented.
  5. A few minor bug fixes and small improvements.

SplendidCRM on FirebirdSQL demo page and Database structure

SplendidCRM (version C# of SugarCRM) is ported from MSSQL over to
FirebirdSQL 2.5.2

It is in a “testable” debug version on this url

username : user
password : user

This changes from the usual will/will 🙂

It is the “community” version and I would like to have your feedback on their added value in a CRM, before carrying over the enterprise modules.

Two precision/information points:
1) One is on a small DSL in Finland, so your GSM has more disponibility and bandwidth
2) the data structure is available for viewing here

Your comments are welcome 🙂

I will add one more comment from the Firebird porter :

Thanks to Firebird, the memory and processing space has been reduced with two thirds when migrated from MSSQL to FirebirdSQL.
Why don’t everybody switch over to Firebird? 🙂


ZeosLib 7.0.3 stable for Delphi/Lazarus is released

Stable version of zeoslib 7 is released.

The most important improvement you’ll find in this version is support for the compilers Delphi2009 and newer, with their unicode strings.

Other changes in this release are
– Some new components for grouping connections (alpha status)
– Postgres event alerter component comparable with the existing Interbase/Firebird event alerter (alpha status)
– Pooled connections (alpha status)
– Real prepared statement support (always for firebird, on demand for mysql and postgres), allowing to prepare queries once and execute them multipe times with different input variables.
– New FreeTDS driver for connections to Mssql and Sybase that can replace the old dblib protocol.
– TZStoredproc got a full makeover. Now Stored procedures should work for postgres, firebird, mysql, mssql and oracle (alpha status)
– A load of bugs have been fixed.

Downloads of the new beta release can be found on sourceforge or our mirror download directory

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