Author: mariuz
GlassFish and Firebird JDBC driver Jaybird
This page describes how to configure GlassFish for use with Jaybird. These instructions are based on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and Jaybird 2.2.3.
Django Firebird current status
Maximiliano Robaina announced django firebird driver status related to django 1.6 :
I’m pleased to announce that django-firebird with django 1.6 support is underway.
Django 1.6 is still in alpha state, so django-firebird 1.6 too.
Then, you can see the current status at the master branch . The master branch has the “in develop” version. If you need stable support (django 1.5) take a look at stable/1.5.x
What are the changes in database field?
The main changes is on transaction management and including BinaryField
Django 1.6 release notes
Firebird Python driver FDB 1.3 is released
FDB release 1.3 is out:
Here is the changelog and the list of bugs fixed
New Features
* fdb.monitor submodule for access to / work with monitoring tables.
* New fdb.Connection.monitor property for access to monitoring tables.
* closed property and clear() method for Schema.
* Unit tests reworked.
Bugs Fixed
* Unregistered: Bug in fdb.schema.Schema.close() and
Next version 1.4 will provide access to/work with privileges to database
best regards
Pavel Cisar
Windows Azure Web Sites and Firebird
Jiří Činčura wrote about his experience with Firebird Embedded and Azure Websites
To sum up. Firebird Embedded works well in Windows Azure Websites. If you need fully featured SQL database for zero extra-money with option to go hassle-free to full server if the need comes, it’s a way to go.
Firebird Python driver FDB 1.1.1 is released
FDB release 1.1.1 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
PHP 5.5 beta3 is released and pdo_firebird.dll is re-added to builds and ready for testers
The PHP development team announces the release of the 3rd beta of PHP 5.5.0. This release fixes some bugs against beta 2.
PHP 5.5.0beta3 is shipped with some bug fixes and improvements. Here is an incomplete list:
- Drop support for bison < 2.4 when building PHP from GIT source.
- Fixed bug #54567 (DateTimeZone serialize/unserialize)
- Fixed bug #64555 (foreach no longer copies keys if they are interned)
- Fixed bug #64578 (debug_backtrace in set_error_handler corrupts zend heap)
You can read the full list of changes in the NEWS file contained in the release archive.
For source downloads of PHP 5.5.0beta3 please visit the download page, Windows binaries can be found on
Our next beta is expected for April 25th. RC should follow.
Thank you for supporting PHP
Firebird Python driver FDB release 1.1 is out
FDB release 1.1 is out:
New Features:
– Context Manager for transactions.
Bugs Fixed:
New version of FenixSQL 0.92 is released
Alessandro Batisti announced new version of FenixSQL (simple multiplatform admin tool for Firebird developed with Firebird Library and released under GPL License and produced with Lazarus ide)
Code and download page is located on google code and main page is here
FBLib (Firebird Pascal Library) repository has moved to Github
For years the FBLib (Firebird database library for Free Pascal, Delphi and Kylix) has lived in the 3rdParty directory tree of tiOPF. We are cleaning up the tiOPF repository, and so I have now moved the FBLib project out to Github, into its own repository. The repository history is intact. I still need to add a few more patches I have locally, and some Lazarus based support apps.
All future development of FBLib will now happen on Github.
To get a copy of the code:
git clone git://
News via lazarus forum