GSOC LibreOffice Firebird Integration Weekly Update 13

New GSOC update for the previous week with
current status of the firebird-sdbc driver :
Progress this week:
– Made libatomic-ops buildable meaning that we should now be able to build embedded firebird on non-X86 systems too
– Added rebuilding of indices to deal with the icu collation issues.
– Implemented a simple .odb loading test (in gerrit atm.) that also
tests that the embedded firebird .fdb can be connected to.
– Implemented Index retrieval and dropping
– More fixes to do with the firebird temporary and lock directories
– Some coverity fixes
– Started working on foreign key retrieval

Code commits can be reviewed in the LibreOffice git repository

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.12

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.12.

This is a bug fix release, built with the current Free Pasca Compiler 2.6.2.

Here is the list of changes for Lazarus and Free Pascal:

The release is available for download at SourceForge:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the “Lazarus 1.0.12″ directory.

Minimum requirements:
Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
Mac OS X:      10.5, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit

GSOC LibreOffice Firebird Integration Weekly Update 12

New GSOC update for the previous week:
Current status of the firebird-sdbc driver is:

– (Var)Char, Numeric and Date/Time types all supported. (No support for blob/clob/array/etc. yet.)
– Data Editing in the GUI works.
– Data Insertion works.
– Table and Column definition/manipulation is mostly complete, there might still be a few minor-to-major issues, indexes aren’t supported at all.
– Usable on Linux, Mac, Windows (thanks to tml for fixing the fbembed
library / loading on Mac).

ps: you can check also the previous updates #11,#10,#9

Editline is updated in Firebird 3.0 isql console client with UTF-8 support

Editline is used in Firebird isql console client , the last version is already imported in firebird 3.0

So it brings UTF-8 support at last in the console with a few patches

Thanks to Frank Schlottmann-Gödde for his efforts

ps:It’s history in Firebird tree is a little bit convoluted

New snapshot of Jaybird 2.2.4 with support for: Firebird 3.0 Boolean and Java 8

Mark Rottevee announced new snapshot of Jaybird driver :
I have just uploaded a new snapshot version for Jaybird 2.2.4 to
sourceforge and the sonatype snapshots repository for Maven.

Most notable changes are support for the Firebird 3.0 alpha 1 BOOLEAN
type and support for Java 8. For other changes see

This snapshot is intended only for testing purposes and has not been
tested with the native or embedded subprotocols.

Download area (Java 5, 6, 7 and 8):

Maven snapshot repository:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird-jdk1x (where x = 5, 6, 7 or 8)
version: 2.2.4-SNAPSHOT

If you have any problems, let me know in the Firebird-Java list. Bugs
can be reported in the tracker

Using Jaybird with Firebird 3.0 alpha 1

Mark Rotteveel wrote on Firebird Java list :

I have started a page on the Jaybird wiki on using Jaybird with Firebird

3.0 alpha 1:

It lists know problems, compatibility issues and workarounds between
Jaybird 2.2.x and earlier and Firebird 3 (alpha 1).

It is a work in progress, but I hope to have all the basics listed by
Sunday. If you miss something, or something doesn’t work for you with
Firebird 3, let me know.


Firebird 3.0 Alpha 1 release is available for testing

Firebird Project announces the first Alpha release of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Alpha release arrives with an early preview of the features and improvements currently under development by the Firebird development team, as well as with countless bugfixes. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.
Alpha releases are not encouraged for production usage or any other goals that require a stable system. They are, however, recommended for those users who want to help in identifying issues and bottlenecks thus allowing to progress faster through the Beta/RC stages towards the final release.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Alpha release.

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