IBPhoenix Replicator 4.2 is released
New release of IBPhoenix Replicator is capable to replicate data from Firebird,
Interbase and Oracle into any of these DBMS and into ODBC data sources as well.
New release of IBPhoenix Replicator is capable to replicate data from Firebird,
Interbase and Oracle into any of these DBMS and into ODBC data sources as well.
There is long thread on increasing the passion in Firebird users (Or how can we improve the project).
Alternate threaded view is on gmane.
I liked this response about the long Firebird 3.0 release cycle
To be fair, V3 involved massive changes to the code base – breaking the server into pluggable
pieces so it can handle multiple versions without hugely complicating the code, plus fine grained
multi-threading, plus new security features essential for a contemporary database) and dozens
of other major features.There are more changes in Firebird V3 than any version I can think of since InterBase V1 to
InterBase V3 … maybe excepting V3 to V4 which added Windows support and SuperServer.
It’s an amazing feat for such a small group, and all the changes are critically important if Firebird
is to succeed in the next decade.Best regards,
Active Record Firebird Adapter 0.8.7 updated
Fixes regression affecting delayed_job usage :
When a result set is not returned, exec_query still needs to return the number of rows affected.
Active Record Firebird Adapter 0.8.6 now supports pluck for efficiently retrieving a single column of a result set in an array.
Another change is : Handle cases where sql does not return a result set.
Here are a few fixes for v1.6.x Release Candidate 1 commited into master
Fixed missing date_interval_sql implementation. #21
Fixed datetime_trunc_sql NotImplementedError. #20
Fixed missing SQLDateTimeCompiler. #19
Fixed BigIntegerField is not supported in introspection. #18
Fixed BinaryField is not supported in introspection. #17
Fixed missing method name. #11
Fixed setup.py due to README extension change. #12
Also Django Firebird stable 1.5.2 is uploaded to pypi with a few fixes backported from master branch (if you use Django 1.5.x)
pyfirebirdsql Version 0.8.4 is released with following changes
It can be installed from repository and tested with lastest stable Django 1.6.x
ps: Soon it will be uploaded to pypi
New feature preview feature in LibreOffice 4.2 : Firebird SQL connector for LibreOffice Base ( contributed by Andrzej Hunt). When creating a new Database, select Firebird Embedded in the drop down menu (you have to first enable the Experimental features in Tools ▸Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced).
This allows creation of databases that perform many times faster than the previous built-in HSQLDB 1.8, avoiding the C++-to-Java overhead inherent in using HSQLDB. We plan to phase HSQLDB out over the next few releases, and provide a smooth migration path to Firebird.
Here is the history of Firebird -> Libo GSOC integration (idea ,code ,bugs, blog posts)
Node C++ Module for Firebird is updated in git repository and is already pushed to npm
It can be compiled now with node v10.x with node-gyp instead of waf
git clone it
npm install
if you want to install it from npm
npm install firebird