Author: mariuz
firebird2.5: CVE-2014-9323: Segfault in server caused by malformed network packet
A CVE-ID is assigned to this vulnerability CVE-2014-9323
The following distros already patched the bug : Suse , Debian , Fedora , RedHat , CentOS
Firebird Advent Calendar 2014
Very nice idea Firebird Advent Calendar 2014 (Japanese)
Vote for Firebird as Database of the Year 2014 at LinuxQuestions
Vote for Firebird as Database of the Year 2014 at LinuxQuestions (must be registered user with at least one Linux related post)
Spread the word on all forums and Firebird communities
FireBird Performance Tweaking
Mr. Hartmann wrote on his blog
Last week, I posted a story about my interaction with a software developer who uses FireBird (FB) as a back-end for their software. The short version is that they left FB’s settings at default and were using a really, REALLY old version of FB. This caused the application to have massive (18 minute) load times and hang the entire server, with just one client connected. Bellow (in the article) are the changes I made to increase overall performance of the application and server.
Software performance investigation vs throwing more hardware
News via Patrick Pierson‘s blog
I found this link on reddit under /r/sysadmin. Josh Hartmann has a customer that had slowness issues with a database server. Josh contacted the developer and every time the developer’s response was to add more hardware to the problem. After some investigation he found a few issues with the developer’s setup of the server, fixed it and now his customer is happier then ever. Here is his write up, great stuff.
Firebird Security Updates for v2.1 and v2.5 series
The Firebird project has released Security Updates for the currently maintained 2.1.x and 2.5.x versions (v2.1.7 and v2.5.3 SU1). These updates fix a recently discovered security vulnerability (CORE-4630) that may be used for a remote DoS attack that could be performed by unauthorised users. We recommend Firebird users to upgrade as soon as is practical.
Firebird 3.0 package progress in #Debian
Here you can check Firebird 3.0 Debian package progress
Damyan added quite a few changes compared with version from 3 years ago
Rails activerecord-fb-adapter v0.9 includes a major tests overhaul
News via Brent Rowland:
Rails activerecord-fb-adapter v0.9 includes a major overhaul courtesy of Ray Zane. 20x more tests now pass.
Update : now is pushed to rubygems
Firebird on Power8 Ubuntu/Debian Linux
Firebird can be installed on both Little Endian (ppc64el) and Big Endian(ppc64) versions of Power8 Linux Operating Systems
There was a recent bug in detection of ppc64el (was mis-detected as powerpc64) but now is fixed in Debian
Also if you use other distros on power8 please verify if Firebird platform is detected correctly.