Firebird 3.0 Final uploaded to Debian Linux Experimental
Firebird 3.0 Final package uploaded to Debian Linux Experimental repository
Firebird 3.0 Final package uploaded to Debian Linux Experimental repository
Yii2-Firebird driver version 0.7.1 is released with fixed compatibility with Yii2 2.0.7
We announce beta release of django-firebird 1.8 with django 1.8.x support.
For now, it is just available via github master branch.
You can grab a clone from github repository.
Please report any issue on github tracker.
Currently provides data reading, inserting, deleting and updating.
You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer
The current master branch is being developed under django 1.8.x LTS
This is still in alpha status but the base of functionality works pretty well.
Any feedback will be appreciated on Django Firebird dev group
Django-Firebird stable for Django 1.7.x is released
Mark Rotteveel published a new Jaybird 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Download available on maven (on the Sonatype snapshots repository) or SourceForge. Updated Release Notes are also available. Feedback on the stability, performance and undocumented changes in behaviour would be appreciated.
Yii2-Firebird driver version 0.7 is released
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.6 is available for download. This version fixes few bugs and adds enhanced support for database_info and transaction_info. Now you can get almost all information in more convenient way (using properties and functions).