Author: mariuz
Become a sponsor to Pavel Císař
Become a sponsor to Pavel Císař :
His goal is to have 20 monthly sponsors on Github .
If you are using any of his open-source packages for a commercial project/product, please consider sponsoring him. It will help him further support and develop these (and new) packages.
Rust Firebird Client updated to v0.23.0 with a few features
How to write and build UDRs
How to write and build UDRs example by Paul Reeves .
Firebird usage from Android / C++ through JNI
This example shows how to use Firebird embedded in an Android app using C++.
The app is initialized using Kotlin and talks with a native C++ module that talks to Firebird.
Firebird-base 1.6.0
Firebird-base 1.6.0 driver released
The firebird-base package is a set of Python 3 modules commonly used by Firebird Project in various development projects (for example the firebird-driver or Saturnin). However, these modules have general applicability outside the scope of development for Firebird.
rfirebird – Firebird tool for raw access the database files
rfirebird – Firebird tool for raw access the database files
This is a study and demonstration project. Only use this project with offline copy of your database file.
Upgrading FirebirdClient (and Entity Framework Core provider) to .NET 7 Videos
Upgrading FirebirdClient (and Entity Framework Core provider) to .NET 7 Videos Part 1 and Part 2 were published by Jiri Cincura
ADO.NET Provider for Firebird is available
Elixir Database Driver for Firebird : Firebirdex 0.3.6 is released
Elixir Database Driver for Firebird : Firebirdex 0.3.6 is released with a few fixes :
- Small dependency bump on efirebirdsql
- Examples documentation fixes
- Treat transaction_status #14
- Move the automatic begin_transaction/commit in Firebirdex to efirebirdsql when auto_commit = true #17