22 Years of Delphi and it Still Rocks

Marco Cantu wrote on his blog :

To celebrate another year of success for Delphi. I dug a bit in my archive. Here are a few old images, mostly ads from Borland, before and after the product release.

It is interesting to notice how the original business value (increased productivity for developers) is still true today with a totally changed landscape, mobile, and all. We could re-use some of the original ads, as they make sense today. The other things I noticed is that most of the other tools that were popular back than, have long been forgotten. Delphi, on the other hand, is still popular.


FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.7 is available for download.

FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.7 is available for download.


What’s new:

* (PYFB-66) – Port parameter for connect and create_database is not used
* (PYFB-69) – Can not connect to FB services if set ISC_USER & ISC_PASSWORD by os.environ[…]
* (PYFB-70) – executemany(operation, seq_of_parameters) appears to run slower than it should
* Number of fixes to DDL generators in schema module
* Added support for Filter and BackupHistory in schema module.
* Added DDL scripts generator get_metadata_ddl().

best regards
Pavel Cisar

NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.1.0 updated with Firebird Transaction changes

NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.1.0  released with the following changes:

Adds possibility to use several transactions in a single connection.

New Transaction object was introduced. Connection object has new methods to create Transaction objects.

FBStatement object also was extended. Api description was updated in README.md.

Here is the big code pull request with changes .

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