Author: mariuz
Creating Firebird database programatically in delphi
Today my colleague asked me the question, “How to create FB database programatically from Delphi?”. Well, the solution is very easy, just use the following code:
Centric CRM Version 4.0 Released with firebird support added
Centric CRM is a mature, fully featured, Java-based, Web-delivered CRM with leads management, contacts, pipeline, accounts, quotes, campaign management, project management, document management, help desk, reports, employee, and admin modules.
Release focus: Major feature enhancements
IBPhoenix Share Issue
Since IBPhoenix is a UK Ltd company – it has a right to issue shares to potential investors in the company, I have been contemplating this for quite a while, and wondered if there would be any interest out there for Firebird users, companies etc that would like to become shareholders in IBPhoenix? There are a number of reasons for thinking about this…
CVS repository
If you want a fresh copy of firebird but can’t because the problem of
the anonymous CVS, you can download the whole FB CVS tree at:
Google Summer of Code 2006 site is open for ideas
Summer of Code 2006 site is open for ideas
As organizations begin to sign up for Summer of Code, you will see a list of organizations and links to their ideas for student projects. We are not taking student applications just yet, see the FAQ for more details.
[ED: firebird foundation or ibphoenix can add some ideas now and participate as mentors]
More eyes on the code = better quality
From Dmitry Yemanov – Adriano dos Santos Fernandes has joined the Firebird code reviewing team (we can now call it a team, since there are now two people involved in this task – Claudio and Adriano). Adriano will be assisted by a grant from the Firebird Foundation.
Database design made easy: DeZign for Databases v4 supports Firebird 2
Datanamic Releases DeZign for Databases V4.0
We’re glad to announce the official release of DeZign for Databases V4. Version 4 is a significant upgrade to this powerful, easy-to-use database design and modeling product. Version 4 is available in 3 editions: Standard, Professional and Expert.
Howto: Mono, SharpDevelop and Firebird on Windows
Hi fags, i took some time to make these 3 wonderfull things work together, but as i am a good guy, i ll save you the trouble and teach step by step how to make them work together, and i m not teaching how to install firebird, thats up to you!
[ED:article by Fabio Gomes]
Php Firebird service functions
A post on Devshed forums showed that the php manual did not have any detailed info about ibase_service_attach and some other Interbase/Firebird functions, of course the question has been answered in the forums and the user promised to add a note on the official docs, anyway here is a small example of use of that specific function: