New Support Sub-Forums
I have created two new support Forums, they are Linux/Unix and Windows. These forums are for discussing Firebird on specific OSs.
Si Carter
I have created two new support Forums, they are Linux/Unix and Windows. These forums are for discussing Firebird on specific OSs.
Si Carter
hk_classes is a set of C++ libraries for rapid development of database applications with all features a modern database application should have, like forms and reports. hk_classes is database and GUI independent. It also includes command line tools to use hk_classes in scripts. hk_classes includes drivers for DBase, Firebird…
Read more on the freshmeat page
When working with Firebird in .NET I’ve been collecting Firebird errors and exceptions and their causes. It saved me a lot of time because the exceptions usually came again… I’m sharing my list here – if you have something to add don’t hesitate and add a comment.
All patches applied to the debian package of firebird are available on
[1]. The ones you’re looking for are gcc4.dpatch and gcc4+amd64.dpatch
I‘ve created the local Firebird list for Czech users. It’s running about half year.
You can find it at (Firebird(CZ)).
Problem is the installer for firebird 2.0 rc1 currently changes permissions on /etc/services file to 600 and permisions need to be 644.
This has been posted on Firebird Devel List and is patched.
I will repost it here so others have less problems finding it.
REPOST FROM Firebird Devel List
Here are the instructions to run firebird on SME Server
I’ve done some changes regarding SS installation. This mainly deals with
Slackware support, but some changes concerning another things are also
done. Who interested, may try Snapshot builds from
Alex Peshkov
Are you ready for TPC-C based test results? Are you looking forward to know who is the winner?!
Be prepared – 4th issue of IBDeveloper is coming soon!
Just take a look on this image – it’s one of our test results:
Want to know who is who? Read our magazine!
JDBStudio is a database tool written in java thus runnable on many operating systems (Windows 2000/XP, Linux/Unix, Mac X, Solaris and others). It simplifies browsing, editing and querying of databases by providing an intuitive and consistent Graphical User Interface.