Firebird 2.0 rc2 from source howto (ubuntu dapper drake)

This was tested on the Ubuntu Dapper Drake (that will be released this summer)
I assume you have installed the g++ compiler (with apt-get or synaptic)

download the Firebird 2.0 RC 2 kit from the nearest mirror

Lucene.Net needs committers ( call for help )

As you know from pervious article can be used with firebird, if you know some C# or have documentation fixes (spell checking etc) please give an hand to help the project

As you may know, I am currently the only developer working on it. I need and welcome help to finish it off. Also,
Lucene.Net needs committers. To become a committer on ASF, you can start by reading: So please, if you want to see Lucene.Net move to the next stage and even graduate from incubation, do your part; you can start by looking at the current code and comment on those lines with “Aroush” in them.

Firebird Replication engine (open source and written in c++)

After investigating my options for some time I finally decided to write my own
replication engine for Firebird (from scratch). FiBRe came closest to my needs,
but it’s requirement that all tables have column named ID simply doesn’t fit.

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