blog of the day about firebird rc3

We actually have been deploying only super-servers, on beefy boxes with 2x dual core with 2x HT each (8x processing unit in total), because of our lack of experience in classic servers. Well, those server boxes do run other applications so you don’t get CPUs sitting there doing nothing, but I still wonder which one will be more suitable — one single super-server with shared page cache pool that can only utilise one CPU core, or multiple classic server instances that have their own page cache. However we do have up to 160 concurrent connections to the database on some of our boxes. Not sure how Win2k3 will perform with this kind of process count. Damn! Wish we can deploy them onto Linux boxes.

Read more on the FuCoder’s Blog

No Lobbysts As Such – The Fight Against Sofware Patents in Europe

Florian Müller’s memoir-style book has been released under the Creative Commons license this month.

On 377 pages, Mueller tells the story of the legislative process that ended in July last year with a landslide vote of the European Parliament against a proposal for a software patent directive.
The book is now available on the Internet for download:
[ED: spotted on the planet mysql , is interesting that now Redhat fights against an patent pirrate FireStar for basically “accessing an database” ]

django added firebird support

[ED:django is like RoR implemented in python]
Just attached the firebird backend and a patch file. Firebird has a problem, names can’t bigger than 31 chars for tables, fields, constraints, etc. In auth app needed to change user_premissions to permissions so the many to many table name doens’t get too big… must be a way we can workaround this…

GnuGk 2.2.4 released

GnuGk 2.2.4 has been released.[ED:Nice thing is that you can keep passwords for users in firebird database]
The GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) is a full featured H.323 gatekeeper, available freely under GPL license. It forms the basis for a free IP telephony system (VOIP).

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