MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.3 beta released
With generic Firebird Support added in case you want migrate to mysql 😉
With generic Firebird Support added in case you want migrate to mysql 😉
Firebird has a limitation for table names length
But only at creation time !
Read more on vtiger forum
Here some news of Software Ports to Firebird :
Repository is created for: new Firebird 2.0
Here is the active thread with the porting efforts . Gobolinux is an pretty interesting distro with new idea to packaging an application (the filesystem is the package manager)
nsFB is an internal AOLserver database driver for the Firebird or Interbase database.
Firebird package is marked as stable on x86-32 on the gentoo’s firebird page
On Monday 18 September 2006 I will be converting all users over to the new
FBTalk forum (dnfBB), during the process, all registered users will receive
a new email with a link for them to click to activate their new account.
Vtiger is a fork of SugarCrm and PosgreSQL and Oracle support is on the way, so Firebird seems to be possible If you have any interest for this, tell to Philippe Makowski
or on Firebird-General list
Is in portuguese , You might need babelfish or google translator