Firebird on Asus WL-HDD – doable ?
Asus WL-HDD is an mipsel machine so with custom firmware (linux toolchain) it may be possible to install firebird on it.
Asus WL-HDD is an mipsel machine so with custom firmware (linux toolchain) it may be possible to install firebird on it.
I post here code excerpt from my test MFC app, as someone else might find it useful, because the matter is poorly documented and I had to dig FB .NET data provider source code to manage. The code using FB client API can create a new FB DB with specified Forced Writes flag (BOOL m_bFW), or change the flag for existing database.
Here is the full thread
The appliance is quite small a few Megs , i will ask how they
managed to do it soo small 🙂
I like their ideea of pictorial , maybe we should do an firebird
appliance screencast (ubuntu/mandriva)
Here is the article in question
As you know from previous post Simple Information System for Library is using Firebird for Database backend. Now there is an indonesian linux blog with screenshots of the application .
How to connect to a Firebird database using the PHP-PDO functions , and how to compile PDO extension in php 5.1.x (at the end of the thread)
Grails GORM is based on the Hibernate object/relational mapping framework. Therefore
Grails supports all Hibernate databases including Firebird
An object-relational mapping library for Ruby based on the Firebird database and using the FireRuby library for database interaction.
Would you find the ability to run Subtext off of another database such as MySql or Firebird very important?
Call for Papers for Open Source Database Conference 2006. We invite the community to send in session and tutorial proposals for evaluation by our conference chair.
Just a quick note to let everyone know that is now up and running using dnfBB, a forum designed around firebird. The old forum and all posts/topics are still available.