Win64 for AMD64/Intel64 – FB2 – when will it be ported and released?
maximshiryaev asked on support :
What are the plans for Win64 (AMD) platfrom for FB2?
maximshiryaev asked on support :
What are the plans for Win64 (AMD) platfrom for FB2?
I have just remembered that I have a Firebird 1.5 for AIX 5.1.If you want it – please contact me off list and I will send you the tarball of the build.
posted by Paul Beach on firebird-support list
Software required :Firebird sql server 2.0 Release candidate 4 or higher, MojoPortal, Net 1.1 or higher.
Read More on the MojoPortal’s documentation area
Marina won the contest and she is now in Bali .There are many other journal/blog entries on the site (nice pictures too)
ps: we hope we contributed to her winning . Who wants to go next ? 😉
Vincent writes “The Lazarus team is glad to announce the 0.9.18 release. This release is based on fpc 2.0.4.
See my previous blog post for release notes.New files are available from the download page.
Related to the Firebird name and Firefox trademark defending (You will spot firebird mentioned in the second link)
I wrote a simple test to test locking problem on other databases we use (DB2 AS400, DB2 9.1, PostgreSQL, Oracle 10g, Firebird and MS SQL Server 2005).
Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, The Netherlands
The organisation uses Debian GNU/Linux on half of their servers, i.e.
about 10 systems.
We have an opportunity to have a session at Solution Linux 2007 (Paris)
I will talk about migration from MsSQL to Firebird