Damyan Ivanov restarted the linux powerpc port
You can watch the powerpc porting thread on sf.net devel mailing list
UPDATE:firebird started on powerpc (make passed create_db stage so first database was correctly created on that platform)
You can watch the powerpc porting thread on sf.net devel mailing list
UPDATE:firebird started on powerpc (make passed create_db stage so first database was correctly created on that platform)
Please also report broken links to the osswin-users mailinglist, and if you really like this list and want to keep me motivated, then just send me something from my wishlist or my wanted computerparts list 🙂
Cheers,Bart Vandewoestyne
Here is the test configuration and details (database structure)
On the previous post, I talked about Turbo Delphi (Explorer), now I’m gonna talk a little bit about her cousin… Lazarus. 🙂
Read more on the bee.ography blog
[Ed: both can be used with firebird and OOpascal is the main language used with firebird – see previous pool results]
Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing.
(Disclaimer: I am a PostgreSQL fan, this is my subjective personal experience)
Had a interesting experience with 3 of these DBMS’es.Needed to write an application that opperates on 7000000 row table.
ED:Here are the “results”
IBAnalyst 2.0 is ready with new features list
SAM Broadcaster can support 4 different databases. The databases are used to store song information and provide website interaction. If you have no database knowledge we recommend you try the FireBird database since it is very easy to install and use. [ED, that is my qoute of the day for firebird ;)]
Another part of the Firebird on-line manual has gone live:
Changes:Two minor issues were fixed in this minor release for the stable branch