Firebird embedded database on Win 98
When using the Firebird database (version 1.5) on windows 98, or (specifically) when deploying applications using the Firebird database to computers with Windows 98. Here are some tips
When using the Firebird database (version 1.5) on windows 98, or (specifically) when deploying applications using the Firebird database to computers with Windows 98. Here are some tips
In order to improve the situation we have created a separate driver that contains workarounds for the issues in Base. This driver will be part of Jaybird 2.2 release, but the snapshot releases already contain the required code.
A brief introduction to the ideas behind orm including a small example program.
you can read the db2jmin changelog were firebird support is mentioned in this release
Release focus: Major bugfixes
Changes:This new release includes a new release of Hedera and Appia group communication subsystems with major bugfixes. Other minor improvements and bugfixes are available as well.
Release focus: Major bugfixes
Release focus: Code cleanup ,
This site lists example queries to retrieve information about tables, views, fields, indexes, constraints, triggers, generators, stored procedures, functions and users defined in the meta data of a Firebird database
[ED: hit the digg button]
The changes in this release are as follows:This release adds support for importing a file into a BLOB and writing a BLOB into a file. Hexadecimal or base 64 string representations of data can be read from or written to the database.
Steve Boyd wrote on firebird-devel mailing list:
I am ready to submit my changes to GPRE to support RM/Cobol.