SQuirreL SQL Client + Firebird tutorial in japanese
Firebird tutorial using SQuirrel . There is also part 1 where firebird is installed
Firebird tutorial using SQuirrel . There is also part 1 where firebird is installed
The Jaybird team announces a new sub-release v.2.1.1 of the JDBC driver with a number of bugfixes.
Lightning talks are your 15 minutes of fame: every open source or free
software project can apply for a lightning talk at FOSDEM 2007 (will take place between 24th and 25th February in Brussels, Belgium)
Sources has been moved to the subversion repository, they can be browsed here: http://firebird.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/firebird/NETProvider/
Is anyone using an embedded firebird database on Windows Vista?
[ED: new topic on discuss.joelonsoftware.com]
Dmitry Yemanov wrote on firebird devel-list :
We’re now busy with v1.5.4 and v2.0.1 point releases, so I wouldn’t expect v2.1 Alpha this month, but it will definitely be released in January.
Here is the Download History Statistics for Firebird project (November was the best month if you ignore the anomaly for Jun 2005 )
The old Firebird-CS-1.5.1.pkg isn’t compatible with macosx Tiger, please
download the latest package from SF (1.5.3). That should work.
It points now to the right page