Author: mariuz
Firebird Docker image updated to 3.0.4
You can use the Firebird 3.0.4 docker image based on Debian Jessie
Thanks to Serghei Cebotari for this update
Alex Peshkoff added 3 new builtin functions : base64_encode/decode and crc32 in Firebird master branch
Lazarus Release Candidate 3 for 2.0
The Lazarus team is glad to announce the third release candidate of Lazarus 2.0.
IBX 2.3.2 is now available for download with Lazarus 2.0 support
MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.3.2 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from Older versions of IBX will fail to compile with Lazarus 2.0 and upgrade to this version is necessary for use with Lazarus 2.0. All users are recommended to upgrade to the new release. Please read the changelog before upgrading. The release also includes a new SQL Tokeniser and the ability to select the Firebird Library (DLL or shared object) as a property of TIBDatabase or TIBXServicesConnection. Several minor bug fixes are also included.
PyFirebirdSql 1.1.2 is released
FirebirdDbComparer with Firebird 3 packages support
The new version of FirebirdDbComparer is published and this version contains among small bug fixes and performance optimizations also one big new feature and that’s support for packages in Firebird 3.
Firebird high-level native client for Node.js / TypeScript updated to v0.1.1
Help our community to make LibreOffice 6.2
Help our community to make LibreOffice 6.2 – which is due in early February – the best release ever! Join our upcoming Bug Hunting Session to identify and help to fix issues:
The PHP project is excited and proud to announce the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.0.
The PHP project is excited and proud to announce the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.0.
This latest branch of the PHP language and runtime brings new features and even more performance than before!
For more information, see the release announcement at: