Paper covering Firebird
I have just published a performance benchmark paper which includes
Firebird in its tests.
I have just published a performance benchmark paper which includes
Firebird in its tests.
a German article about Fyracle has been published in the current edition
of the “Entwickler Magazin”. Selected articles are also available
online. The Fyracle article is one of them. You can read it here (in
osFinancials is an open source accounting software package, started in august 2006 and is released under the GPL. It was forked from the open sources of TurboCASH. The developers have implemented the Firebird (database server) in the software for (external-) data storage and enhancing the multi-user capabilities.
Damyan Ivanov wrote on pkg-firebird-general mailing list :
I’ve prepared next versions of 1.5 and 2.0 packages. Respective versions
are final release and release candidate 1.Please give them a try and report any bugs to me or this list.
deb experimental main
i386 and amd64 binary packages are provided.
Release focus: Minor bugfixes
A map depicting the epic struggle of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) against the [ED:Evil]Empire of Microsoft.
Release focus: Major feature enhancements