Author: mariuz
phpBB3 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) released
We are very pleased to announce the availability of the phpBB3 RC2 package. This is the second release candidate which is meant to become the Gold release if no more bugs or problems arise. Of course there may be more release candidates.
Firebird 2.x/3.0 roadmap for 2007
Here is the firebird 3.0 developer roadmap for 2007 (also you can watch for firibird 2.1 and 2.0.x fixes)
How can i access the generator value
tip of the day Como consultar o valor de um Generator
Composite Primary Keys Version 0.8.6 on Ruby on Rails (with ActiveRecords)
Ruby on Rails does not support composite primary keys. This free software is an extension to the database layer of Rails – ActiveRecords – to support composite primary keys as transparently as possible.
[ED:Article Via]
Firebird added to the List of Packages Tracked by DistroWatch
This is the list of current stable packages tracked by DistroWatch, the latest versions and some notes and explanations where applicable.
Thank you Distro guy :Ladislav Bodnar
Open Source Conference 2007 .DB was held.
It was the event of the interesting form that the seminar which centers the up-to-date information of Firebird, MySQL and PostgreSQL which are called the Open Source Database big three, is done in the presentation of each user group member.
Not ignoring the dolphin in the room – From the oss flamewar dept
I find it amusing that people still protest at times on IRC and the mailing lists that “PostgreSQL [is not|should not be] competing with MySQL”. The argument being that we should focus our energies on Oracle and MS-SQL customers ….
Read more on Greg’s Postgres stuff [Yah there is an firebird mention 😉 ]
Firdbird 2.0 vs the World – post of the day on [Firebird-Architect]
rvbyron wrote on [Firebird-Architect]:
MyGeneration Goes Open Source on
MyGeneration is now an open source project under the BSD license on, you can find the project HERE