64 bit Firebird 2.5, and Solaris Sparc

Looks like the job is already done… Paul wrote on the blog . It was posted on devel-mailing list related to solaris threading using pthreads

“I confirm that the issues are fixed in HEAD. I confirmed this on 64-bit Solaris Sparc, built with the Sun Studio native compiler – using pthreads!!!”
How cool is that! Thanks very much guys for the quick turn-around.
Also, big thanks to Alex for his assitance with this port!!”

JbConsole 0.2.0 released

JbConsole is a Firebird console tool. I have tested with Jython 2.5b3 and Jaybird 2.1.6 .
(java 1.6 on Windows XP and java 1.5 on OS X 10.5)
It’s still toy level, but it seems to be sample implementation of Jaybird and Jython.

See the screen shot

ED:Translated with google , I like his words about Jython

Swing and Java (JVM) I fast. 驚いた。 I was surprised.

Invitation to benchmark your Firebird environment

my blog entry doesn’t show up yet, so a more information about that here …

I’ve made a ready-to-use TPC-H benchmark package for Firebird available
for download here:

Feel free to use this package to benchmark your Firebird environment in
different server configurations, various page sizes, page buffers, …

Please read the included readme.txt file. This shall have everything
included for running the benchmark. I would highly appreciate if you
could share your results as described in 6) in the readme.txt.

If you have any questions, doubts, feel free to get in touch with me.


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