Event: eLiberatica – The Benefits of Open Source and Free Technologies
firebird.ro team will be there and meet each other (4-5 main active group members) and maybe talk with other people interested about firebird in the Romanian Free Software Booth
firebird.ro team will be there and meet each other (4-5 main active group members) and maybe talk with other people interested about firebird in the Romanian Free Software Booth
The visual development tool for PHP web applications written in Delphi
See the new project page, download the source code, check the Wiki, and start developing!
The example is great and simple like in Delphi, I have seen this news via ExtPascal group
Infoworld article mentions Firebird
One of the more common queries I hear is, “What database should I use under Linux?” That is actually a pleasantly difficult question, because there are a number of choices that depend on what you want to do.
Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) event organized by Firebird group in Japan
Here is the article with what is new in Firebird , I used google translate to read what is all about
Here is the install guide for php5.3 and pdo on centos 5.3 using the remi/epel repositories ,
Now the remi repository can be used for Fedora 10 also
Here are the notes for installing php firebird support in CentOS 5.3 using the php 5.1.6 from it’s own repository and Firebird 2.1.2 from EPEL-Testing repository
Here is the text from this version of Buffer #145
It’s time to nominate Firebird for CCA 2009, SourceForge’s Community Choice Awards, says Firebird News. Firebird is nominated for Best Project, Best Tool or Utility for Developers, and Best Project for the Enterprise.
On Free Database: The Relational Databases Blog appears an embedded Firebird database overview. It begins, “I was looking for a small and powerful database in order to fulfill the requirements of my last project. Because the database will be running locally I took the decision to use an embedded database. After a few searches over the Internet and some embedded database comparison reviews, I found Firebird which is actually a powerful but unknown (yet) relational database system.”
On Compas Pascal, Lars Dybdahl makes some observations on the real-life latency of a Firebird server.
It’s official now, Philippe Makowski is the maintainer of Firebird packages for Fedora and Epel (Centos and RHEL packages) and Firebird packages get pushed into Fedora repositories.
Here is the guide for Centos5.3 you must enable the epel-testing for centos
# rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm
This is done by editing the /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo file (installed by the previous rpm command) and changing the first “enabled=0” to “enabled=1”.
Please PHP users tests this repository for fedora linux 10/11 also for Centos 5.3
if you find bug, report here : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499036