Linux/s390x support for Firebird 2.1.2

Dan Horák wrote on firebird devel list:
I am a Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux developer and we are now
porting whole Fedora package collection to the s390x (IBM System z a.k.a
mainframe) architecture. The official sources for Firebird (in version
2.1.2) didn’t support this architecture, so I have prepared a patch that
adds this support. Please let me know what else should I do to get the
support accepted into the official source tree.

the patch was uploaded to

successfully built Fedora-11 package is at

The Firebird 2.1 Language Reference Update is now online

The Firebird 2.1 Language Reference Update is now online at

The PDF failed to build with tons of errors. I’ve got no time
to investigate the problem now; leaving for France tomorrow
morning. If somebody else wants to have a shot at it, please
do. The CVS sources are up-to-date.

Trees in the database: Advanced data structures

Lorenzo Alberton wrote in his blog about his paper presented at PHP conference

Storing tree structures in a bi-dimensional table has always been problematic. The simplest tree models are usually quite inefficient, while more complex ones aren’t necessarily better. In this talk I briefly go through the most used models (adjacency list, materialized path, nested sets) and introduce some more advanced ones belonging to the nested intervals family

ED: some of the principles can be applied to Firebird with CTE

A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available

A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available on


Bugfix and ‘less-is-more’ release

* Code cleanup
* More delegation to standard DTP implementation
* Sourcecode added to distribution

What roles is user able to use?

About a month ago there was a question in Firebird (CZ) group how to find whether the user is able to use particular role or to get all roles for user.

As you probably know, a lot of stuff (almost everything) is in system catalog (system tables). The only problem is to figure out what’s the right set of parameters to use. To get all roles with users able to use it, you can use …

FB/Java plugin Milestone 1 (Firebird External engine )

I’m pleased to announce availability of the first test version of
FB/Java plugin.

FB/Java is a plugin for FB external engines feature, to be presented in
v3.0, that allows execution of Java code at the server side. The plugin
allows classes/resources in the file system or stored in the database.
File system classes/resources are global and the code run with all
permissions. Database classes/resources are per-database and code runs
accordingly with per-engine configured security policy.

Also it seems that is quite fast from Adriano’s tweets

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