Firebird – query to show which fields in your database are not based on a domain

Our strategy is that in all of our InterBase and Firebird databases, the column definitions are based on domains.

But some of our databases do not have that for all columns (usually because we got involved later in the development cycle).

When you forget to define a column based on a domain, then both InterBase and Firebird will create a new system domain on the fly that starts with ‘RDB$’.
So if you forget, you get a new system domain for every column!

The below query will list those columns.

Cache flushes to disk and Firebird

Paul Beach wrote on his Blog
The following fragment of a message appeared on the Firebird development list. As the question and answer are interesting, I thought I would put it on the blog.

“If I want to make cache flushes to disk very rare, do I set MaxUnflushedWrites & MaxUnflushedWriteTime to -1 or to some large value?
What other settings adjustments can make table flushes to disk more rare?
Is there any combination of settings that will keep the entire db in cache and never flush it to disk?”

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