New release – SinĂ¡tica Monitor 2.1.6 for Firebird
You can download the new release here , read the release notes and see the nice screenshots there or follow sinatica on twitter for news related to Monitor
You can download the new release here , read the release notes and see the nice screenshots there or follow sinatica on twitter for news related to Monitor
From the cool stuff department if found the Fisheye in the Jira tracker and it shows all bugs closed and related code changes (diffed)
Pavel Cisar wrote about his book
he JVCS team is happy to announce JEDI VCS 2.45 release, which is intended as a maintenance release for 2.40.
Most important changes from between 2.44 and 2.45 are:
Installer is available on sourceforge in the file section or follow this link:
Please consider to help this project we always need helping hands for design, usablitity, programming, test, writing documentation.
If you’re interested please check “Positions Available” or contact us by E-Mail.
Python Bug that can trigger some errors when upgrading from kinterbasdb 3.2 to kinterbasdb 3.3
if python/kinterbasdb users upgrade kinterbasdb they must be aware of this python bug, because all existing code must be inspected for “(retrieved Decimal value) compare (float)” statements, which before upgrade were Ok (retrieved float value) compare (float)) statements
Firebird’s Jira Tracker is now restored on the new VM, with data up to 5 December 2009. However, we have lost attachments from the last two years. Missing ticket headers from after Dec 5 will need to be reconstructed from notification messages.
An identity column is a column associated with an internal sequence generator and has it value automatically set when omitted in an INSERT statement.
create table objects (
id integer generated by default as identity primary key,
name varchar(15)
);insert into objects (name) values (‘Table’);
insert into objects (name) values (‘Book’);
insert into objects (id, name) values (10, ‘Computer’);select * from objects;
============ ===============
1 Table
2 Book
10 Computer
Inside the zip file you will find a nice pdf about why he uses Firebird and Euphoria Language example. I have uploaded the html version of the pdf here (transformed with pdftohtml)
Demonstration program for Firebird Server ODBC access using odbc.e and wxEuphoria with two-tone flexible datagrid. Uses the EMPLOYEE.FDB example database that comes standard with Firebird install.