ibphoenix.com relaunched with new interface

I like the new style for ibphoenix , minor glitch is the firebird image in corner is quite blurry and should be replaced with higher quality image
also on my monitor is too small 1920×1080 and i have to do 3xCTRL+ to fit the screen, maybe a liquid layout should be applied (i will send the bug and the fix) . In rest is great maybe is too much white in background and the stripped green background should be a added back ?

Complete Language Reference hopefully completed by the end of winter

Dimitry Yemanov wrote about the complete Firebird 2.5 reference and how will be structured

I’m starting working on the contents for the complete Firebird 2.5
Language Reference with a hope to have it completed this winter. All the
appropriate questions and issues will be posted here in order to keep
everybody in sync. The first thing to discuss would be the document

Here is what I have in mind:


It’s just a draft and any feedback is welcome.

The major difference from what we have now is that the syntax diagrams
(along with the detailed description of the every clause) is moved to
the appendix A.

The major chapters contain the introduction to the appropriate
statements and the information on how to apply them to the common usage
patters instead.

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