Extracting glibc info in #Linux to see if is greater or equal with 2.7

Related to previous announcement:If you are on ubuntu and your ubuntu release is greater than Hardy (8.04) you are safe , on other distributions you can determine this way the glibc version
You must run the /lib/libc.so.6 and it will return the glibc version
in the first row.
In ubuntu or any debian based distro

/lib/libc.so.6 | head -n 1
GNU C Library (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.13-0ubuntu1) stable release version
2.13, by Roland McGrath et al.

in this case glibc is 2.13
and is builded from eglibc sources

another option is dpkg interrogation

dpkg -l libc6

on rpm based distros

rpm -q glibc

ps: other alternative ways

Firebird usage with SchemaSpy – Java based Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser

On devshed firebird forum someone asked if anyone used SchemaSpy with firebird , and later he got it working , here is the command line option (after installing jaybird.jar)
1) Download the ZIP file for jaybird
2) unzip it
3) Copy the file jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar into a convenient directory
4) specify the full path to the .jar file when starting schema spy

java -jar /home/java/schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t firebird -db /var/lib/firebird/2.1/data/employee.fdb -s schema -u SYSDBA -p ******* -o /home/firebird/ -port 3050 -host localhost -dp /home/user/jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar

ps:that is a single line

Firebird 2.5.1 Snapshot is now in #Debian experimental

For people who want to live on the edge , there is a new upload in experimental for 2.5 release branch

#ilovefs , #ilovefirebird:I Love Free Software Campaign , I love Firebird

Today is the day when you can share your love towards Firebird and the Free Software world (libreoffice , qt , debian)
There are lots of ways to declare one’s love… Here are some ideas on how you can go public and proclaim your love to Free Software/Firebird

  • Send active Free Software supporters a message thanking them for their work
  • Microblog about how you love Free Software, and tag those messages with #ilovefs/#ilovefirebird.
  • Hug a developer (ask permission first!)
  • Buy your favourite developer a drink. Or buy someone else a drink and while savouring it, tell him/her about your favorite Free Software application!

ps whey you search for i love firebird i have this example of trim function 🙂

select trim (‘la’ from ‘lalala I love Firebird’) from rdb$database
— returns ‘ I love Firebird’

Firebird used on a site with 1 Million users / day

Q:What kind of system is this? .The response is on Firebird-support

Monitoring software with also web access by many many users ~1 000 000
They do something which need transaction and some select(reports) which “not need” transaction
but in transactional database select also start short transaction then i can not remove it creation..
1 000 0000 x 10 queries per day i got 10 000 000 transaction+ system self generate 8 000 000 transaction per day (to
storing/updating/computing.. data)
and Forced Writes are ON but database work on some not mechanical device like normal HDD and corruption is reduced to minimal possible but this transaction counter do may problem :/

Karol Bieniaszewski

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