Delphi 11 Alexandria Has Been Released

From Marco Cantu blog

A new version of Delphi, version 11 Alexandria, has been released. Yesterday we run a very successful preview/launch webinar, with many attendees a a large number of questions asked (many hundreds, literally). It was a bit exhausting but certainly nice.

Over the coming weeks I’ll go into more details on some of the new features and quality improvements in the product. For the time being, I’m just going to share a series of relevant links (with comments).

Follow the link to read further .

FireDAC in the new release offers specific improvements for Firebird databases

IBX 2.4.2 is now available for download

MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.2 of IBX for Lazarus. This version adds support for the Firebird 4 IBatch interface. It also fixes some minor bugs. Version 2.4.2 supports all Firebird releases from 2.5 onwards.

The Firebird 4 Batch Execution interface applies to Update and Insert queries only (i.e. not update/insert returning) and can be used to batch up many separate queries to be executed as a single operation. This can be used to minimise the client/server interfaces and to optimise server update/insert times.

Support is provided by the Firebird Pascal API and exposed via TIBSQL.

It is available for download from

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