Author: mariuz
Android port: work in progress
Here is the first commit with the nice message :
Cross-build support + android port: work in progress, currently can build fbclient for android
Patch landed in Firebird 2.5.x and is now possible to use API to do remote backups/restores
Here is the Firebird bug fixed : #CORE-2666
Today you can use the API remotely to create a serverside backup. You can use GBAK to create a remote backup (e.g. via Internet). And Today you can use API to create remote backup, i.e. create a backup serverside and flush it to the client.
Here is the documentation from the doc/README.services_extension
4) Services API extension – running gbak at server side with .fbk at the client.
(Alex Peshkov, 2011-2012)
This way of doing backups is specially efficient when one needs to perform
backup/restore operation for database, located on ther server accessed using
internet, due to serious performance increase.
The simplest way to use this feature is fbsvcmgr. To backup database run
approximately the following:
fbsvcmgr remotehost:service_mgr -user sysdba -password XXX \
action_backup -dbname some.fdb -bkp_file stdout >some.fbk
and to restore it:
fbsvcmgr remotehost:service_mgr -user sysdba -password XXX \
action_restore -dbname some.fdb -bkp_file stdin <some.fbk
Please notice – you can't use "verbose" switch when performing backup because
data channel from server to client is used to deliver blocks of fbk files. You
will get appropriate error message if you try to do it. When restoring database
verbose mode may be used without limitations.
If you want to perform backup/restore from your own program, you should use
services API for it. Backup is very simple – just pass "stdout" as backup file
name to server and use isc_info_svc_to_eof in isc_service_query() call. Data,
returned by repeating calls to isc_service_query() (certainly with
isc_info_svc_to_eof tag) is a stream, representing image of backup file. Restore
is a bit more tricky. Client sends new spb parameter isc_info_svc_stdin to server
in isc_service_query(). If service needs some data in stdin, it returns
isc_info_svc_stdin in query results, followed by 4-bytes value – number of bytes
server is ready to accept from client. (0 value means no more data is needed right
now.) The main trick is that client should NOT send more data than requested by
server – this causes an error "Size of data is more than requested". The data is
sent in next isc_service_query() call in the send_items block, using
isc_info_svc_line tag in tradition form: isc_info_svc_line, 2 bytes length, data.
When server needs next portion, it once more returns non-zero isc_info_svc_stdin
value from isc_service_query().
A sample of how services API should be used for remote backup and restore can be
found in source code of fbsvcmgr.
Jaybird undocumented tip : Is there any way to set socket timeouts?
Is there any way to set socket timeouts?
Roman Rokytskyy answered :
-Yes, the property is called so_timeout and is directly passed when the socket is opened (see Socket.setSoTimeout documentation). You can append the property to the JDBC URL after question mark:
– I have added this feature on request for some very special case. In general you don’t need this property, since the server is not supposed to crash and the network is not supposed to break as well, at least not for database applications. So, the solution is to solve the crash, not to add a workaround for it.
ps: soon it will be added to documentation
ANN: 2 new Trace API / FBTM screencasts: Parametrized query detection and enhanced error tracing
Two new Trace API / FB TraceManager screencasts have been made available:
The first is discussing the usage of the Trace API to detect
parametrized query reusage, which allows to check if you are re-using prepared statements in e.g. batch processing scenarios or not.
The second demo discusses the new error/warning tracing capabilities to
be expected in Firebird 2.5.2( and its integration/usage in FB TraceManager.
PyFirebirdSQL 0.7 pure Python driver is released with events support
The changelog includes many patches for events support.
Here is the download page.
You can also use pip to install the package
sudo pip install firebirdsql
An ODBC driver for Firebird on MacOSX
Via Paul Beach Blog
I was recently contacted by a Firebird user on MacOSX who was trying to get the Firebird ODBC driver to build on MacOSX. I thought I would try and step in to help.
For those of you who follow the CVS checkins for OdbcJdbc you might have noticed the addition of a number of a new directory in the Builds directory called Gcc.darwin containing a makefile, a readme and a .sh file to create a lipo’ed dylib. The driver sucessfully builds and passes some simple tests. Feel free to contact me for a copy of the dylib to test further.
The readme contains the following information
Microsoft Access killer : LibreOffice Base + Firebird
There is a discussion on the libreoffice-dev about replacing the HSQLDB default database used in libre base with something better and faster than the java based solution:)
* SQLite vs. HSQLDB for base (Lionel)
+ SQLite very sloppy typing can cause serious problems cf.
+ no date/time datatype.
=> perhaps not a good idea to switch to sqlite longer term
+ without tons of special casing, get lots of
nasty bugs outside string, float
+ a new candidate with sane licensing, sane language,
and code size required – thinking ongoing.
+ our best shot might be firebird
+ MPL license variant
+ feature set looks good
Update : Firebird Driver and Embedded version merged and integreated into LibreOffice git master
Firebird on virtual servers anyone ?
Question of the day is asked on LinkedIn Firebird group and there are quite a few interesting answers
Firebird on virtual servers anyone? I am aware that some IT depts are using virtual servers and I wonder if anyone here has experience of FB on this type of configuration.
node-firebird vs node-firebird-libfbclient (pure JavaScript driver vs Firebird library wrapper)
Denys Khanzhiyev (node-firebird-libfbclient creator) wrote on nodejs mailing list:
I must admit your lib is faster than mine (See the response from Henry (node-firebird creator) , it is the result of the firebird library mode of operation : synchronous vs asynchronous mode of nodejs)
Here is code
here is ab results
Concurrency Level: 5
Time taken for tests: 3.346934 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Total transferred: 885000 bytes
HTML transferred: 821000 bytes
Requests per second: 298.78 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 16.735 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 3.347 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 258.15 [Kbytes/sec] received
Concurrency Level: 5
Time taken for tests: 2.928723 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Total transferred: 885000 bytes
HTML transferred: 821000 bytes
Requests per second: 341.45 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 14.644 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 2.929 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 295.01 [Kbytes/sec] received