IBX for Lazarus has moved to GitHub

MWA Software is pleased to announce that the ibx4lazarus package has been successfully rehosted on GitHub. The svn repository has been decommissioned and is no longer available for use. Please go to https://github.com/MWASoftware for all of our software packages.

The move to GitHub has also allowed the package split of ibx4lazarus into three separate packages.

  1. The Firebird Pascal API (fbintf)
  2. The ibcontrols package.
  3. The ibx4lazarus package

fbintf and ibcontrols are dependencies for ibx4lazarus itself and must be installed before ibx4lazarus itself.

In future, please report all issues that apply to any of these packages using the GitHub issues feature.

PHP 8.4 final released with Improvements for modern Firebird versions

PHP 8.4 released with many Improvements for modern Firebird versions : This update brings crucial enhancements to the built-in PDO-Firebird driver. Now supporting modern data types, including DECFLOAT, the driver offers substantial benefits for PHP applications using Firebird 4 and 5.

Related PDO-Firebird changes from PHP Changelog :

  • PDO_Firebird:
    • Fixed setAttribute and getAttribute.
    • Feature: Add transaction isolation level and mode settings to pdo_firebird.
    • Added class Pdo\Firebird.
    • Added Pdo\Firebird::ATTR_API_VERSION.
    • Added getApiVersion() and removed from getAttribute().
    • Supported Firebird 4.0 datatypes GH-14896
    • Support proper formatting of time zone types.
    • Fixed GH-15604 (Always make input parameters nullable).

IBX 2.7.0 for Lazarus is now available for download

MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.7.0 of IBX for Lazarus. This is primarily a maintenance release but does contain some important future proofing. All users are recommended to upgrade to this version.

In this release:

  • Firebird 5 compatibility checked
  • Lazarus 3.4 compatibility checked
  • Internal changes necessary to correctly function with FPC 3.3.1 (development version) and later.
  • Dynamic Database Controls Direct Dependency on IBX  removed and replaced with corba interfaces.
  • Various bug fixes – see changelogs of IBX and the Firebird Pascal Interface for details.

The changes to the Dynamic Database Controls are intended to enable their use with database drivers other than IBX. Other developers are encourage to support the corba interfaces defined in their support so that their full functionality is available generally. See the new document “DynamicDatabaseControls.pdf” for further information.


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