Author: Jiri Cincura
Timeout for wait transactions in FirebirdClient
Firebird and MS Sync Framework
Few days ago I was playing with Sync Framework (if you’re able to read Czech, you can check my series about it). You know, all testing and exploration I was always doing with SQL Server on server side. 🙂 But this should work with any ADO.NET “equiped” database. So why not to test Firebird?
DDEX Provider v2.0.4 for Visual Studio
The DDEX Provider v2.0.4 for Visual Studio has been released. Download it from
DDEX Provider v2.0.3 for Visual Studio
the DDEX Provider v2.0.3 for Visual Studio has been released. This release contains all new registry files as well as reworked readme file for installation and one bug fix. Download it from
Provider for Entity Framework for Firebird is back and ready for SP1 final
The final version of SP1 for VS2008 and .NET 3.5 is out for a while. And you may noticed, that there were some [more …]
“Firebirdish” connection strings
Did you know, that you can use in Firebird .NET Data Provider more “firebirdish” connection strings?
Read more on  “Firebirdish” connection strings.
Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update available
Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update available
For those who don’t regularly visit the Firebird project home page, the Firebird Documentation Subproject is pleased to announce the availability of the Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update. This reference documents all the changes in and additions to the Firebird SQL language since the fork from InterBase 6.
Translations are under way, as are versions for Firebird 2.0 and 2.1.
A full Firebird Language Reference, obviating the need for the InterBase reference, is in preparation.
The Firebird Documentation Index is at:
Paul Vinkenoog
Firebird Documentation Team
Jim Starkey: “Well, here we go again”
For those of you who didn’t hear, today is my last day at MySQL, and
Monday will be my first day as Chief cook, CEO, and bottle washer of
NimbusDB, Inc., a software start up so young it doesn’t exist yet.Nimbus, as the name hopefully suggests, is a relational / semantic
database system designed to run on clouds. It is a radical re-invention
of database technology, breaking with 30 years of disk-based
technology. Nimbus is designed to scale to almost arbitrary capacity by
simply plugging in more computers. It is also software and hardware
fault tolerant, including software upgrades. It’s also an idea that’s
been kicking around my brain for the last six months that needed to get
lose to the real world.
Thule is using Firebird and Firebird .NET Data Provider
Thanks to Steve Ramacher, who sent me this info.
We run our business on a couple of AS400 mid range computers (we are in the process of converting to MS Dynamics AX). We use BPCS for out ERP system. 7 years ago we started running into situations where we need to archive our reports to externals servers. This included reports that are ran daily and invoicing.
We started with SharePoint services but quickly out grew the capabilities of SharePoint (in regards to what MS indexing server could do). I wrote a role based security web site using firebird as the backend. I then wrote an administrators console to that allows Administrators to add/remove users, control there access, deploy smart client programs, and view reports.
The next task was very cool, I use MS DTS services (runs as a job in system agent) to extract data from our AS400 (DB2) and load the tables in our firebird server (running on windows). From that I am able to power our invoice lookup. We spool 1500+ invoices a day for orders through a product called reform which creates a PDF version of the output at the same time that it prints the spool. I wrote a program that matches up the customer, tracking, shipping to the invoice. So we have a customer service application (Smart Client) that they are able to lookup post shipment invoice information (Printed invoice, customer information, tracking information, proof of delivery, etc.) all being powered by Firebird and the .net providers.
I have used this provider with data tables, datasets, and custom collections with absolutely phenomenal success. Over the years I have upgraded the sites to include the new features of you provider (roll provider etc). I mostly write custom collections so that I can control my CRUD operations. If the power of linq makes it to firebird, that would be amazing.