Newly free databases validate open source pioneers

This article on NewsForge doesn’t mention Firebird, but it shows some interesting positions from MySQL and PostgreSQL guys about the new “Free” versions of traditional comercial databases, like Oracle, DB2, etc.

Another interesting article shows that VMWare have cut the price of its server version to zero. This may turn the life of developers easier, since they can install many diferent O.S. in the same machine, to test their products.

Firebird mentioned in “Semanário Econômico” article

“Semanário Económico” – the best Economic Newsweek in Portugal – gives a special mention to Akropole, a software dedicated to Schools. Akropole runs on Firebird, and it’s clearly mentioned. A full copy of the article (portuguese only) is available here.

PS: On the same article (if you know portuguese and dig it a little), you will notice that the Most Productive ( profits / number of employees) company in Portugal in 2004 works with an ERP system… powered by Firebird! 🙂

Firebird 1.5.3 PT_BR

Paulo Henrique Albanez informs that a non-oficial version of Firebird 1.5.3 for Windows, with supports to collate PT_BR (case insensitive) is available for download here. A Linux version will be available shortly.

This version is mainly for brazilians and other portuguese speakers people who wants to get the benefits of case/accent insensitive collation for ISO8859_1/WIN1252 charsets, while FB 2.0 is not released.

Firebird mentioned on “Users get to the root of Linux security holes” article

An article posted on discusses the result of a survey where users had to compare Windows x Linux regarding many aspects, including their differences, strengths and weaknesses.

Firebird is mentioned in the article:

“On the flip side, Windows security IT professional Andy Canfield wrote about two security weaknesses in Linux that he thinks should be addressed.
Canfield is a member of Firebird Foundation Inc., which is a group that supports and advances the development of the open source Firebird relational database engine. He works on the Firebird Relational Database Project and is a long-time SuSE Linux user.”

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