Firebird 1.5.3 PT_BR

Paulo Henrique Albanez informs that a non-oficial version of Firebird 1.5.3 for Windows, with supports to collate PT_BR (case insensitive) is available for download here. A Linux version will be available shortly.

This version is mainly for brazilians and other portuguese speakers people who wants to get the benefits of case/accent insensitive collation for ISO8859_1/WIN1252 charsets, while FB 2.0 is not released.

Firebird mentioned on “Users get to the root of Linux security holes” article

An article posted on discusses the result of a survey where users had to compare Windows x Linux regarding many aspects, including their differences, strengths and weaknesses.

Firebird is mentioned in the article:

“On the flip side, Windows security IT professional Andy Canfield wrote about two security weaknesses in Linux that he thinks should be addressed.
Canfield is a member of Firebird Foundation Inc., which is a group that supports and advances the development of the open source Firebird relational database engine. He works on the Firebird Relational Database Project and is a long-time SuSE Linux user.”

Firebird very well ranked inside Brazilian Java community

Specially in Brazil, it is known that Firebird is very strong inside the Delphi community. But a survey from Portal Java, a Java devoted Brazilian portal, shows that FB is very well positioned among the +2,380 Java users who had voted. Check the full ranking here.

PS: Unfortunatelly the survey option shows “InterBase/Firebird”. I hope survey/poll publishers start to understand that they are diferent products, and separate them in the next surveys.

BDNTV recent aditions

There are two new InterBase presentations from the lastest Borland conference available for online watching:

First one is about new security features of InterBase.
Second one is about the usage of ADO.Net in Delphi 2006 with InterBase. Of course, almost all the info there can be applied to Firebird, since we have a Firebird .Net Provider!

Thanks Alexey for the links.

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