Birds, Dolphins and now… Falcons (isn’t Falcon a bird?)

At the MySQL’s fourth annual users conference, Jim Starkey, a database trailblazer with InterBase and currently a MySQL senior software architect, will discuss MySQL’s developing storage engine, code-named Falcon, said Zack Urlocker, executive vice president of marketing Cupertino, Calif.-based MySQL. The conference kicks off Monday in Santa Clara, Calif.” – Read more here.

FDD will have 3 international speakers

The 3rd Firebird Developers Day Brazilian conference will count with the presence of Holger Klemt (IBExpert), Alexey Kovyazin (IBSurgeon/IBDeveloper magazine) and Ann Harrison (IBPhoenix) as international speakers (along with many Brazilian speakers).

FDD can be a great oportunity for South American people to have contact with great names of the Firebird community, specially if they don’t want to spent a lot of money going to the International Conference (in Prague/Czech Republic).

The conference will take place in Piracicaba-SP, at 29 July (whole day).

Warning! Serious GBAK issue!

From Dmitry Yemanov – Running GBAK -C by a non-privileged user (i.e. neither SYSDBA nor database owner) causes an original database to be overwritten instead of the expected “database already exists” message.

This bug seems to be inherited from IB 6.0 and it exists in all FB versions. However, FB 2.0 is not affected due to different default restore rules.

SQL/e – Microsoft answer to FB Embedded?

From Steve Lasker’s Web Log“I’m not familiar with the details of Firebird Embedded, so I can’t make a comparison. To capture the essence: SQL/e is a lightweight, in-proc relational database that offers a subset of the data types and TSQL syntax to provide queries over relational stored data with transactional support. The SQL/e data format can be password protected with encryption. SQL/e is based on the proven history of the Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition technology.”
Read more here.

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