Firebird 4 – Beta 1 is released

Firebird 4.0 Beta 1 release is available for testing
February 20, 2019
Firebird Project announces the first Beta release of Firebird 4.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Beta release arrives with features and improvements already implemented by the Firebird development team, as well as with countless bugfixes. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.

Beta releases are not encouraged for production usage or any other goals that require a stable system. They are, however, recommended for those users who want to help in identifying issues and bottlenecks thus allowing to progress faster through the Beta/RC stages towards the final release.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Beta release.

The Firebird Project Team

Introducing Firebird Butler

We are pleased to announce a significant extension of the Firebird project to a whole new area. Starting in February 2019, alongside the core (Firebird database system) and database drivers, a completely new division called Firebird Butler is integrated into the project. The purpose of the Butler division is to develop and provide solutions to various Firebird-related challenges faced by Firebird administrators and application developers that, for practical reasons, are not addressed by the core Firebird distribution.

The primary aim of Firebird Butler is to create a development platform and develop a set of basic solutions to manage Firebird installations of any size, structure and complexity.  The emphasis is on large corporate installations but the scope and ambitions of the Firebird Butler project are much broader:  we would like to initiate development of an entire open source ecosystem of projects and other products, including commercial ones, in various languages. Projects could encompass not just the planned new services, but alternative implementations of the standard services as well. Moreover, the Firebird Butler Development Platform should become a solid foundation for development of any applications that use Service Oriented Architecture and messaging.

For a closer look at the project goals and strategies, please read the “Introduction to Firebird Butler”.

Although the project is only in the early stages of development, we encourage you to take a close look at what we have and where we are going. The project is completely open, and we will welcome anyone, individuals or organizations, who is interested in the objectives and strategy of the project and wishes to participate in its development, in a common or entirely private capacity, or to become its sponsor.

Firebird Butler also presents a great opportunity for developers with experience in Python, Java, FreePascal, Delphi, C# or other languages to get involved in Firebird project activities.
The Firebird Project Team

Printed version of the Migration Guide to FB 3 is available

The printed version of the Migration Guide to Firebird 3 was previously available trough CreateSpace site. Since the recent merge of CreateSpace and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, the printed book had became unavailable.

I’m glad to announce that the printed version of the Guide (in English) is now available in several Amazon sites around the world. If you prefer to have a physical copy instead of the eBook, you can buy it visiting the Guide’s page.

Os brasileiros podem adquirir a versão impressa (em português) diretamente no site da FireBase.

Migration Guide to FB 3 – Cyber Monday promotion!

From today up to 26-November, the Migration Guide to Firebird 3 eBook (PDF version) is being sold for USD 12 instead of USD 16. The promotion is valid only for payments done using Paypal.

If you haven’t moved to Firebird 3 yet, this is a great chance to buy the Migration Guide for a lower price, and save you some hours of headache.

Click here for more information and to buy it online.


RAD Studio 10.3 support for FB 3

RAD Studio 10.3 (Rio) was released today, and includes updated FireDac components with official support to Firebird 3. Check all the new features here.

Improvements for Firebird

  • Support for Firebird v 3.0, including new:
    • local connection protocol.
    • FB$OUT package.
    • isc_database_info() information items.
    • Statistics feature in gbak output.
    • Support for statement length > 64Kb.
  • New TFDFBOnlineValidate component.
  • New GUIDEndian=Little|Big connection parameters.

Firebird 3.0.4 sub-release is available

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.4 — the 4th point release in the Firebird 3.0 series.

This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes. Binary kits for Windows, Linux and Android platforms are immediately available for download, Mac OS kits will follow shortly.

Please note that some of the changes includes a new ODS minor version (12.2) for some platforms (Windows and Intel Linux will keeps using 12.0) and a new parameter Srp256 (SHA-256) for AuthClient and AuthServer. Be sure to read the release notes to be aware of all the improvements and bugfixes.

Still using an old Firebird version? Migrate now and don’t forget to read my Migration Guide to Firebird 3 to save you a few hours of headache.

Firebird_fdw 0.4.0 for PostgreSQL

FYI I’ve just release firebird_fdw 0.4.0 for PostgreSQL.

This update, together with an update of the underlying Firebird API wrapper libfq to version 0.3.0, is a general cleanup/bugfix release, with improvements including:


– new function firebird_fdw_version()
– bug in INSERT … RETURNING … fixed
– miscellaneous minor bug fixes and code cleanup
– TAP regression tests have been added

CentOS rpm packages are available via the Fedora Copr build system.



Ian Barwick

Last week to register for the 15th FDD

[This is mostly for Brazilians]

The online subscriptions for the Brazilian’s 15th Firebird Developers Day conference will end on Friday, August 10. The attendees of the conference will be able to buy several tools and components with exclusive discounts from our sponsors and supporters: IBSurgeon, FastReports, uniGUI, TeeChart, IBObjects, IBExpert, Woll2Woll, ACBr and Gnostice.

Visit the conference site to check all the information and register for the conference.

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