Special Deal: IBExpert Unlimited Lifetime Licenses available on ebay

For a limited time we have created a special deal using ebay auction platform.

IBExpert Single License – Lifetime Updates inluded

IBExpert Site License – Lifetime Updates inluded

IBExpert VAR License – Lifetime Updates inluded

With this product you never have to buy new IBExpert Updates again. The customer area will be open for you forever. This included all major and minor IBExpert updates. These products are not available anywhere else. Shipment will be worlwide by email and Internet Download.

Take the chance

Auction end will be after 5 days on June 7th.

DeZign for Databases V4

DeZign for Databases has an intuitive visual interface that allows you to accurately design, create and maintain your database. It provides full support for ER-modeling (Entity-Relationship) techniques and supports most popular SQL and desktop databases.

Newly supported databases in this release include Oracle 10g, NexusDB 2, MySQL 5, Firebird 2 and MS SQL Server 2005. More information here.

IBDeveloper #4 is out

I guess some of our readers have become a bit tired of waiting and wondering when the new issue would be released. I am really sorry about the long delay, but there have been some serious financial and time issues holding up production.

Helen’s talk in Australia

From Malcon Groves blog (Borland): ADUG Symposium in Melbourne and Adelaide

The Australian Delphi Users Group have been holding yearly Symposia since 1999 (I remember as I had to catch an early flight back from the first one to get married the next day), and the lineup just gets better every year. This year it’ll be in Melbourne and Adelaide, and the sessions include:

* How to implement Plug-ins in .NET – Glenn Stephens
* Sweet-talking Firebird with Delphi – Helen Borrie
* Component Development in Delphi/VCL – Glenn Crouch
* Delphi.Net on Linux using Mono – Emlyn ORegan

I’ll be there talking about Devco and the future of Delphi, but to be honest I’m also excited just to sit in the audience for the day and listen to some really smart developers. Also, anyone who is doing anything with Interbase or Firebird needs to attend just to listen to Helen, she literally wrote the book on Firebird.

“DevCo” accepting suggestions

DevCo (temporary name for the new company that will assume Borland IDE and InterBase) opened some emails to accept suggestions and questions from the community (a good step forward).

I sent to them 10 suggestions. The email is reproduced in my personal blog, in this post. I hope someone there accept at last some of the suggestions.

Firebird Conference 2006, Prague, Nov. 12-14

Pavel Cisar has discovered a new venue for the 2006 conference in Prague–a new 4-star hotel, Andels, which is located very close to downtown, just across the river, room tariff from 99 EUR/night. We have a firm booking. We will be calling for papers very soon so please watch for that.

Anyone wanting to be on the Firebird-conference mailing list, who’s not on it already, please contact the Secretary (helebor -AT- iinet dot net dot au) using the email address you want to use for the list subscription.

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