Warning about just released RC 5

From Dmitry Yemanov:
Windows builds of Firebird 2.0 Release Candidate 5 have been released with an issue related to the INTL support. This is not a bug in the code, but a build/packaging issue. One of the ICU libraries (icudt30.dll) got built wrongly. We apologize for inconvenience, the builds are to be fixed and re-released shortly. In the meantime, icudt30.dll from the RC4 package would fix the issue.

Npara uses Firebird

From code.google.com/p/npara/
Npara allows a user to find similar images or audio files
Npara identifies audio and video files by creating an index of sub fingerprints, aproximately 255 fingerprints per file. These fingerprints are stored in a firebird database.
Partial tracks or partial images can be recognized, even if they contain significant noise or distortion

Huge test case for Firebird at SOFTOOL’06

Alexey Kovyazin and Dmitry Yemanov were present at Softool 2006, showing a really big test drive for Firebird:

The test used a Russian ERP called Avarda connecting a Firebird 2.0 Classic server. Environment was 30 desktops and 1 power server imitating Avarda working with 100 simulatenous clients accessing a 120Gb Firebird database with 700 million records! Server was a SMP machine (2 CPUs – Dell PowerEdge 2950) and 6GB RAM.

You can see a small video from Softool with Alexey and Dmitry Yemanov here.

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