Updated release schedule

Based on Dmitry Yemanov’s talk in the Firebird International Conference in Berlin, we may expect Firebird 3.05 and Beta 2 of Firebird 4 to be released in the end of 2019. Firebird 4 RC1 should appear in the first quarter of 2020 and final release in the second quarter of 2020.

Red Soft becomes FB Foundation platinum sponsor

The Russian software provider RED SOFT became a platinum sponsor of the Firebird Foundation, which was incorporated in 2002 to provide a way to raise funds to support the developers of the open-source Firebird relational database management system. Thus, the company, which owns its technological stack of software products, including the modern industrial Red Database DBMS, becomes a full and active member of the Firebird international community.

Learn more at firebirdsql.org/en/news/red-soft-the-firebird-foundation-platinum-sponsor/

Brazilian Firebird Developers Day site is now online

The 16th Firebird Developers Day will be held on August 3, 2019, in Piracicaba – SP – Brazil. This is the biggest Firebird conference in the world, in terms of number of attendees. If you speak Portuguese, take a look at the conference site and register!

O 16º Firebird Developers Day acontecerá no dia 3 de Agosto de 2019, em Piracicaba – SP. Essa é a maior conferência sobre bancos de dados Firebird, em número de participantes. Visite o site do evento para ter todas as informações e fazer sua inscrição!

DB Explorer For Firebird Databases

Explore and run queries against your Firebird® databases without leaving VS Code. This extension allows you to connect directly to your Firebird databases, list tables and fields, run queries, display/export results and more.


NEW! SQL Mock Data Generator
Manage multiple database connections
List hosts, databases, tables and fields inside Explorer View
Firebird Reserved Words Code Completion
Table and field names Code Completion
Run Firebird SQL queries
Run predefined custom queries
View results in a table
Realtime results filtering and sorting
Export results to JSON, CSV, XSLX or PDF file

Find more here.

Firebird International Conference 2019

It seems that the FirebirdSQL site got updated with information regarding the next Firebird International Conference. This time, the conference will be held in Berlin – October, 17-19.

This year the Firebird Conference will be focused on Firebird 4 and will also include a series of workshops: extended presentations and practical exercises. We want to make it more educational, more practical, and less theoretical.

Complete information, including prices and early bird registration can be found at www.firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-conference-2019/

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