IBSurgeon has new site and docs
IBSurgeon site got a facelift and has new docs in the knowledge base section.
IBSurgeon site got a facelift and has new docs in the knowledge base section.
Borland/DTG had put up a survey to find out what Delphi users want to see in new Delphi versions. Question 6.1 is specially important to us:
6.1. Which databases do you require Delphi connectivity with? (Choose all that apply …)
Firebird is one of the options! Vote for it!
Blog discuss the Firebird Lock “Table”. Check here.
The first Russian Firebird and InterBase Conference was due in October 14th, 2006, and organized by iBase.ru, a well-known Firebird/InterBase company in Russia.
The conference gathered about 190 participants and 35 sponsors and speakers. It was an one day conference with 17 sessions, talking about Firebird 2.0, Firebird 2.1, InterBase 2007, Fyracle, FIBPlus, FastReport, IBProvider, IB/FB Developer’s Studio, different aspects of using Firebird and InterBase (performance optimization, database repair…), experience in creating billing and other systems.
In the intervals between sessions, people were able to talk with Firebird developers and other specialists close to Firebird and Interbase technologies.
Conference was a success, and we can expect the 2nd edition for the next year.
You can check pictures here (use Babelfish if you want to translated the pictures subtitles).
Today we have a new survey on issues related to developing apps for the corporate enterprise. If you are involved with this please take our survey. You’ll get to tell major manuafcturers, platform vendors, and development tools makers what you really want AND this time you will be automatically be entered in a contest to WIN A 32 INCH MONITOR.
To take the survey, please go to:
[Ed.Note]: The survey is long, but you don’t have to answer all the questions.
dnfBB version 1.0 is now available
dnfBB is a powerful and fast 3 Tier, C# discussion board or forum for websites running ASP.NET. Native support for multiple forums within the same db structure. Designed to work with Firebird and MySQL, support for
additional RDBMSs in the future.
dnfBB was originally designed around Firebird, unlike other forums dnfBB uses all the features of the underlying databases, including stored procedures, domains, triggers etc.
dnfBB can be downloaded here
FYI, FBTalk.net uses dnfBB along with Firebird 1.5, and is available for all users of Firebird RDBMS to discuss issues related to Firebird.
Si Carter
The first release of the SQLAlchemy 0.3 series is now available – http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
Changes in firebird module:
– aliases do not use “AS”
– correctly raises NoSuchTableError when reflecting non-existent table
IBPhoenix reports that Crystal Windows and Doors Ltd a large UK home improvement company. Firebird runs their bespoke CRM database and also their computerised production systems communicating with machinery on the factory floor.
From ComputerWorld:
The AJAX-based product features a visual designer and cross-compiling capabilities for programming in C#, Java, Visual Basic and Object Pascal. An embeddable Firebird database and Apache Web server also are included for application deployments. With WebOS AppsBuilder, Morfik saves developers from having to learn new languages for Web development such as PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) or Python.
Full article here.
Artur Anjos pointed that Banco do Brasil (one of the biggest banks in Brazil) is using Firebird to hold information in its enterprise applications, as you can read here (in portuguese). Babelfish translated version is here.