News from Dmitry Yemanov

Query cancelation

Implementation of the statement cancellation feature has been committed into the version 2.1. It works via the monitoring tables – you just need to issue the DELETE command against the MON$STATEMENTS table (there’s no API implementation yet). It could be done by the application itself (using a secondary attachment) or by a server administrator. Examples:




The feature works for both SS and CS engines. The client application receives the GDS error code isc_cancelled.

Trusted authentication on Windows

Ability to authenticate Firebird users through a Windows domain is now available in the source tree and will be included into the v2.1 release. An up-to-date client library is required in order to use this feature. CURRENT_USER represents a logged in Windows domain user in this case. It’s expected that firebird.conf will introduce an option allowing you to choose between native-only, trusted-only and mixed authentication modes.

SR UDF Library – Christmas Offer

65% discount from the full price!

SR UDF Library version ( – a user defined function library (161 UDFs) for InterBase and Firebird on the Windows platform. This version of SR UDF Library supports the following standard routins: Math, File,DateTime, String, Regional, Hash in addition to Conversion routins for converting different measurement units!

IBProvider Free Edition

We believe in IBProvider v3 quality and robustness. And we want to make a gift for all Interbase and Firebird Community users. New IBProvider v3 Free Edition is absolutely free of charge and most powerful version based on the commercial core of IBProvider v3. We are sure the community will appreciate our gift, since previous free IBProvider v1.5 (Dec 2001) still counts about a thousand downloads a month.

IBProvider Professional Edition
Professional developer kit for Interbase and Firebird. Allows to creare powerful software in differents IDE’s and programming languages which support OLE DB, ADO or ADO .Net technology. Can be using as MS SQL Linked Server, in the OLAP cubes and in the reporting engines like Crystal Reports.
Read more about differences between IBProvider editions:
Download latest version here:
Merkulov Andrew.

FB 2.0 on 3rd place

From Jiri Cincura:

On local conference (“Databazovy svet” – can be translated as “database world”) has been Firebird 2 awarded on 3rd place in database product of year competition.

Nomination was:

  • Firebird 2
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database 9 Enterprise Server Edition (IBM)
  • Informix Dynamic Server 10 Enterprise Edition (IBM)
  • MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (Microsoft)
  • Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Enterprise Edition (Oracle)
  • PostgreSQL 8.2
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 Enterprise Edition (Sybase)

MS got 1st place, 2nd Oracle and 3rd FB 😉

Python Papers

As an Associate Member of the Firebird Foundation and Associate Editor of The Python Papers, I warmly broadcast the launch of a new periodical, The Python Papers.

It can be found at and is archived at The Python Papers is published under the Creative Commons Licence 2.5 with non-commercial, attribution, and share-alike conditions. However, individual authors retains the right to re-licence their work.

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