Who is better?

A quite interesting message/answer posted by Ann Harrison in the Firebird-Architect discussion list.

Re: [Firebird-Architect] Firdbird 2.0 vs the World
Posted by: “Ann W. Harrison”
Date: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:55 am ((PST))

rvbyron wrote:
open source databases, however, the list is not very extensive. Further,most of the comparisons are not referencing Firebird 2.0, but an earlier version of Firebird.

Do you want to speak at fisl 8?

Reaching its 8th edition, the International Free Software Forum stands
as a remarkable spot in the Brazilian and International FOSS event’s
calendar. On this coming edition, we strived to improve the quality of
the event’s program, and to adequate it to the suggestions of the
former years researches. To achieve it, we overhauled the event tracks,
including and merging tracks as needed.
Read more here.

PS: Deadline for papers submissions is 7-Jan-2007.

New version FreeAdhocUDF

Today 2006-12-21 the new version adhoc20061221 is ready for download at ftp://ftp.adhoc-data.de or http://www.ibexpert.com/download
Also there is a new website for all around the FreeAdhocUDF at

The new version is the first (and only?) UDF-library which supports all the new features in FireBird 2.0 (f.e. returning of NULL in UDFs). The new version is also the first UDF-library compatible and tested on InterBase2007.
There are now 295 functions in the FreeAdhocUDF. The FreeAdhocUDF returns the same values in Windows and Linux and in InterBase and FireBird so you can Backup/Restore from Windwos to Linux and from InterBase to FireBird.

Merry Christmas

FirebirdNews.org wishes every Firebird lover a Merry Christmas! Site will be online 24×7, but you can notice some delayed posts, since some authors should be out for Christmas vacations, etc 😉

A special thanks goes for Marius Popa for his help posting news in the site!

Altering procedures in use

From Dmitry Yemanov: As you might know, Firebird 2.0 no longer allows to alter/drop procedures that are used by active statements. However, we’ve got many requests from customers to restore the previous behaviour, because now it’s impossible to upgrade metadata under load. While we don’t consider this practice safe, I’d like to report that the new limitation is removed in the v2.0.1 release, thus rolling back to the prior logic. All potentially confusing situations (when two different versions of the procedure may coexist in memory simultaneously) are reported in firebird.log.

Attention FirebirdNews authors

For those who are using Firefox, there is an interesting plugin that may help formatting your posts to FirebirdNews site using a “rich editor” direct in your browser. Take a look at the Performancing plugin.

You can write and post to FirebirdNews direct from the plugin.

A problem that I noticed is that you can’t choose in what category the post should be included 🙁

Running Firebird on Windows Vista

Surfing some Delphi blogs, I found this post about what is needed to do to be able to run InterBase on Windows Vista. In a recent talk with Dmitry Yemanov, he told me that Firebird runs OK on Windows Vista, but to get the local protocol working, you need to do a small change in firebird.confIpcName” parameter, changing the default value to Global\FIREBIRD. You can find more information about this reading the firebird.conf file.

Plastic SCM using Firebird

Codice Software, authors of Plastic SCM (Source Control System) uses Firebird to store all the projects information data.

So then we decided Firebird would be an important part of the product. And I can tell you this is one of the decissions we never regret. BTW we wanted to have a full portable data layer (in terms of DB independency), so we also tried with Postgres (specially on Linux and Solaris) and later on with SQL Server. Results? Firebird is the easiest to deploy and has a very good performance ratio (and we always find ways to tune it even further), Postgres is a bit faster in some operations but extremely slow dealing with BLOB data and SQL Server is faster but much harder to deploy. So we are proud to tell that Firebird is a center piece of Plastic SCM.

Read full story here.

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