Tableau Version 3.0 supporting Firebird

Tableau Software, the global leader in visual analysis software, today launched Tableau v3.0, the most powerful and easy to use data analysis software available. It is designed for information workers in all job functions and industries. Tableau v3.0 enables people to summarize and explore their everyday data with an intuitive interface that generates crisp visual displays.

Read more here.

Firebird listed in Brazilian magazine

The Brazilian magazine “Pequenas empresas & Grandes negócios” (something like Small enterprises & Big business) reviewed a few databases in its March/2007 edition. Firebird had an 8.0 but stayed behind PostgreSQL (8.7) and MySQL (8.5). It doesn’t say what was the criteria of analysis used in the ranking. One more time, the lack of default graphical administration utility was listed as a bad thing.

Info Exame reviews FB 2

Info Exame is a major computer magazine publication in Brazil. In the April edition, they published a 2 pages review of FB 2. Although it is not a deep review, it is a good propaganda for FB. The “cons” listed are mostly lack of default graphical interface (maybe its time to include FlameRobin in the default installer?) and lack of good documentation.

CopyCat version 2.0 released

After a long delay, Microtec is pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited CopyCat version 2.0!

CopyCat is a set of Interbase/Firebird replication components for Delphi and C++Builder. Using CopyCat, you can easily build applications comprising advanced database replication capabilities, which can be deployed royalty-free.

For more information about this new release, click here.

General information about CopyCat :

Aproximated record count

Ivan Prenosil posted in Firebird support list an interesting way to retrieve the aproximated record count in a table, without using the “slow” select count(*). See the code:

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