Running Firebird Embeded Database in .NET 2
Blog post shows how to use FB Embedded with Microsoft .NET 2.
Blog post shows how to use FB Embedded with Microsoft .NET 2.
VANATEC – Object-Relational Mapping for .NET – now supports Firebird 2.0 with VS 2005.
New site about Firebird is up:
Firebird FAQ is an online repository of 300+ answers to frequently,and not so frequently asked questions about the Firebird database management system (DBMS). This growing Q&A collection is a built by Firebird users, for Firebird users. All FirebirdFAQ editors have been using Firebird in various projects since the first versions showed up for download. While most of the contents are written from our personal experience, there are also bits collected from various online forums, mailing lists or websites.
Firebird is to have a two-part slot in this year’s Entwickler Konferenz in Frankfurt, Germany. EKON runs in parallel with the all-Europe Codegear (Borland) Developer Conference at the end of September, but our presenter, Thomas Steinmaurer, assures us that this double session will be pure Firebird, unfettered by any requirement to merge tracks with any Codegear products.
5th Worldwide Firebird Conference 2007
18.-20. Oct in Hamburg Germany
The new edition of the Brazilian DB FreeMagazine was released today and contains all the slides from the 4th Firebird Developers Day conference. Download is free.
From InfoWorld:
SourceForge unveils the winners of the ‘open-source Oscars’
“…The Firebird relational database was another double winner, being voted both best project for the enterprise and the project providing the best user support.”
Congratulations for all who made this possible: The Firebird Project and all the people who voted!
Read full article here.
This is one of the many open source database projects for Firebird RDBMS administration tools on Linux. Like many of its precedents its source code can be downloaded at
Kfb is programmed with KDevelop (C++ and Qt). It is fully GUI and based mainly on IBPP, another open source project of C++ interface to Firebird API’s. Kfb also includes some other libraries, ncrypt and fbcopy, and all of them are open source projects and all can be downloaded at
I have tried to achieve the goal of stability, speed and security in this project, while still keeping it easy to operate and include as many functions as possible. Kfb opeartes on FB 1.5 and 2.0 SS server. Some efforts are to make this program more handy for the daily operations.
More information here.
Dear Firebird Users,
The Call for Papers for the 2007 Firebird Conference is now officially open. We encourage every Firebird user with something to say to to send us your proposals for great sessions. You will be able to participate as a speaker at the Firebird Conference in the following ways:
The submission deadline: regular sessions Aug 15th 2007, digital sessions Oct 1st 2007. Please use this url to submit your sessions:
5th Firebird Conference will be held from 18th-20th Oct 2007 in Hamburg, Germany.
For questions please contact (english or german language)
5th Firebird Conference is organised by HK-Software in cooperation with Firebird Foundation.
Best Regards
Holger Klemt